Hi there. I've been using a Plantronics DSP-400 USB headset mic for quite a long time now. I got another one for Christmas a few years ago that I decided to try yesterday because the foam on the left earpiece is just about all gone. That one never had any audio problems for me recording, but this one I just opened has hum when I record. I think it's just a little bit, but when you do net radio and stuff that applies processing, that sound will become more apparent. I plugged the old one back in to get rid of the hum even though it's getting uncomfortable to wear. How can I get rid of the hum so I can use this new one, or did I just end up with a defective one? I know I can't return it any more because that model isn't made any more and it's a few years old. Why would a new one of the same model record hum and this old one I've been using for about 4 years now doesn't? I thought hum would be an unusual thing with USB headsets. Is there any way around it. I'd hate to buy a bunch of USB headsets and have to return them to find one that doesn't hum as it's important to me to have a somewhat clean recording. I use Skype for some of those phone systems where you have to say what you want and noise like that may screw up the voice recognition. I can't take the cables off as they're built in, so is there anything that can be done, or did I end up with a defective one?


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