Hello Tom,
Maybe you need to rethink the way you do some things.
A blind guy had a problem with internet explorer 8.
If you really done your home work on it, you would have learned, that internet explorer 8 does a better job of letting you listen to live streaming audio via the net. Internet Explorer 8 has a way better user face with Windows Media Player and Winamp then Internet Explorer 7. I don't know too much about how to use that, so I'll leave that up to someone else to explain that to you. This is why I said you need to broaden your view because your views are a little too narrow. And to add insult to injury, you didn't even let that message show upon the list so that other people could read it and decide for themselves if rather they agree with me on it or not. So in that regard, you are in error because you are violating people's right to freedom of speech.
Now don't get mad, I'm just telling it like it is.
Lighten up a little!
If you done that, you wouldn't have people getting mad at you and telling you to take this list and shove it up your but.
Take care!
----- Original Message ----- From: "Tom" <t...@pc-audio.org>
To: <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Monday, June 21, 2010 1:26 PM
Subject: Administrative Information

Ladies and gentlemen,

The message posted by Christopher Chaltain a few hours ago
states perfectly the purpose for this list and he says it
much better than I can.

I do not intend to insult or be critical of anyone.  My only
intent is to keep messages posted to this list relevant to
audio software, hardware and closely related subjects.  The
list was started eleven or twelve years ago by Jonathan Mosen
specifically for discussing working with audio on a computer.

A few years ago I set up a poll asking the membership if they
would want the subject matter of the list to be expanded to
include consumer audio products, since these products are
often used in conjunction with a computer, and a large
percentage of those who voted said yes, so, now messages
about audio receivers, amplifiers etc. are permitted.

There are approximately five hundred subscribers to this
list.  I think we who post to the list should be considerate
of those subscribers who are here because it's an audio
related list and not cause an increase of list traffic
discussing issues and subjects that are off topic.

Thank you,

Tom, list administrator.

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