Hello again list:  Got another one for ya; this time, it's about Gold Wave; my 
question is basically this: if you have the "trial version" of Gold Wave, will 
it let you convert files or change bit rate?  Also..does it work as good as 
switch?  For example, does it give you as many bit rates to choose from as 
Switch?  BTW-I did get Switch to do what I needed it to do!  It's really not 
that hard; it was just that my thick head didn't quite understand the 
instructions correctly!  Thanks to all who responded to that post!
Tom Kaufman P.S.  The "alt-A" thing does work..so does the "F3"..but as far as 
I can determine, none of the buttons (at least with the version of Switch" that 
I have)..will do anything!
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