it's a bit tricky to use, but hidownload platinum might do that. It's a strange interface and requires the mouse cursor a lot, there is also sdp downloader which is easier to use but I think only works with .asf streams, at least that's what I use it for. Those streams are archived though so they start and end in the alotted time. Oh wait! again, kind of tricky to use, but does record shows like you want, it's just hard, or it was when I set up the thing, to get it to record the right day and time. It kept messing up all the times I had given it because I didn't know what time zone it was basing the times out of. So I stopped using it, but it's been a few months so maybe that's changed.

I hope those help you to get on the right track,

Dave c. bahr

On 7/31/2011 11:34 AM, André van Deventer wrote:
 Hi all

 Yes I know this subject has been discussed exhaustively on this list.
 But there is something I have been wondering about.

 Is there any kind of software around which would allow you to do the

 Set beginning and ending time for recording from an internet radio
 station while you are not at home. And then the tricky one:

 It must connect to the internet radio station when starting the
 recording by itself and then disconnect when the recording is
 finished. This means that the recording must be completely


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