thanks so much I will look at that one.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Hamit Campos" <>
To: "'PC Audio Discussion List'" <>
Sent: Saturday, October 01, 2011 10:42 AM
Subject: RE: two questions about sound cards.

The coolest USB sound card that I've seen is the Sound Devices
USB Pre2. I know they call it an audio inter-face, but to me that's just
another fancy shmancy word for a a pro sound card. It's $650 though. Well
worth it in my openion but I know some people don't want to spend a lot no
mater what. As far as Studio Play List goes, I'll leave that to some one
else, but I don't see why it won't work on a laptop.
-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of aadorno1
Sent: Saturday, October 01, 2011 10:18 AM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: two questions about sound cards.

hi list I have two questions about sound cards.
the first question is what is a good sound card for the PC, I am thinking
about getting studio play list and I am looking for a good sound card.
my second question is, I mentioned above that I am getting studio play list
and I am wondering if I could use it on my lap top, if so what USB sound
card would be good that's if studio play list can be used with a lap top.
any way thanks so much, all opinions would be appreciated.
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