
these might sound like common sense suggestions but I was thinking nearly the exact same thoughts you were. I know that there are some mics that are omnidirectional and they might be from iriver? But just a voice mic isn't horribly expensive, well unless you want like a pa mic I suppose.

as for using the ipod, well, I'd imagine there's some ap out there that would be a sound recorder. I would post to the viphone list because they'd have answers about accessability of things like that. I'm a very new iphone user myself so I wish I could provide more help than this letter.

Dave c. bahr

On 12/23/2011 12:03 PM, Dave Scrimenti wrote:
The Olympus portable recorders have been discussed a lot lately, and I could 
buy one of those. But I already have an iPod Touch, and was wondering about 
just using that as a portable recorder. The built-in mic isn't very good, but 
sufficient for most voice recordings. Is there a high-quality external mic 
available? and, is there a recording app that's accessible, and more 
full-featured than the very simplistic voice memos app that comes with it?
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