According to the info page for this list, it says:

PC-audio is a list for the discussion of any PC audio related topic
such as PC audio software like sound editors, audio players and audio
formats; and hardware like sound cards, CD and DVD devices and so on.

I read this to mean that portable MP3 players (which are not PC's) are
not on topic for this list. I'll further point out the following:
* There are quite a few lists already for different portable media
players that get far more traffic than this list, so I would encourage
the moderator to not allow the discussion of portable media players on
this list. We could easily be swamped by discussions on iPods and
iPhones. I've already left several lists since I don't have a device
from Apple yet, and I don't have time to wade through all of the
discussion on those products.
* If the original question were posed to a Humanware or Victor Stream
list, it seems like the question would have been answered much more
quickly and efficiently.

Well, that's my $0.02 and I'll leave the rest up to the moderator and
the list itself. Note that I think this is an important topic since, as
I said above, this list would become meaningless, at least for me, if
it's subject matter is going to become too generic.

I'd also suggest that if we're allowing such wide ranging topics then
it's even more important to use good subject lines. That way it'll be
easier for the different subject matter experts to pick out the messages
they're interested in and the people posing the questions will get
quicker and better answers. I'd also like to see the whole threads get
posted as well. Sometimes it's hard to tell what the original question
was or whether the point I want to make has already been addressed yet
or not if I can't read through the whole history.

On 15/03/12 12:43, brian parker wrote:
> someone asked, if this was off topic that we are discussing. this is pc
> audio, and the victor stream plays audio files, so i cannot see why
> messages about victor stream should not be acceptable on this list. any
> way, we have now gone as far as we can with this, especially as
> humanware say they are aware of the bug, and it will be rectified in the
> next upgrade. thanks to you who tried to help me. brian.

Christopher (CJ)

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