Hi there. As was kindly suggested earlier in this thread, I have taken  a look 
at Station Playlist and it looks like an amazing automation package, at least 
according to the testimonials posted on their website. I didn't see a lot of 
software description by the developers themselves, but maybe I was looking in 
the wrong place. 

The information that I could find on Station Playlist lead to the following 
concern. Since I will be recording a show and delivering it to subscribing 
Internet stations in a yet to be determined format, how would station playlist 
benefit me. I'm sure it would, as I've seen it mentioned here before. But thus 
far I've been unable to discover how it can play a role in my project, as I 
will be marketing a show rather than launching  an Internet station.. 

Undoubtedly  I'm  missing something. So feel free to set me straight. Any 
thoughts are welcomed and appreciated. 


On 2013-10-09, at 3:57 PM, Tom <t...@pc-audio.org> wrote:

> Larry,
> Do you want to do your syndicated program live, or record it
> and distribute it to stations as an audio file? I'm on an
> e-mail list for broadcast engineers and I can ask which file
> format is preferred if you want to record your program and
> send the file to them.
> I think most stations have an FTP site that programs can be
> sent to, then the station just programs the file into their
> automation system.
> Many blind people use StationPlaylist to broadcast over the
> Internet. Years ago there was a Main Menu program on ACBRadio
> explaining how to use Winamp for the same purpose.
> Stations don't usually like live programming sent to them
> over the public Internet. The other methods, ISDN or
> satellite get expensive.
> Tom
> ** Your Message **
> >Hi. I have it in mind to market a syndicated show to
> >Internet radio stations. Content will consist of music and my
> >voice.
> >
> >The microphone is not an issue. Beyond that, my problem is
> >that I don't know where to start when it comes to what I need
> >in order to use the computer to perform and record my audio.
> >For instance, as a DJ, what's the best way to get music onto
> >the computer while making it flow as one would a traditional
> >radio show? Hardware? Software? Additionally, I'm not certain
> >of the best tools to use for getting my audio to the online
> >stations who will play it. Using either windows or the Mac,
> >what would you suggest for any aspect of my project.  As a
> >blind person on a bit of a budget, I am seeking   accessible
> >ideas that are as economical as possible.
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