Hi all,
Today I  received my belated Christmas present from friend and list member 
Hannah Day, stereo bluetooth speakers by Gear 4. It is very small but has 
excellent bass. It is also completely accessible. When you switch it on via a 
small switch on the side it emits a chime and is immediately in pairing mode. 
Once connected, both VoiceOver and audio output in general comes through the 
speakers. Also guess what? We were surprised to discover it can also be used as 
a speakerphone. We assume one can talk to Siri as well as make and receive 
calls via the speaker. If you know any better please let us know as we are 
curious. Thanks! Charging is done via the USB port at the bottom of the unit. 
There are also push buttons on the unit but not sure what they do. Battery life 
is about five hours and the unit also supports line in meaning you can use 
these on any device that do not support bluetooth or you simply do not wish to 
use it.

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