Hi listers,

It's been a while since I've lerked on this list, or participated for that matter, but I actually need some help

Due to an ongoing computer crisis, I have been using my wife's laptop which runs Windows 7 (was using XP until my 10 year old computer finally bit the dust), and I am having a bit of a annoyance with Total Recorder.

Every time I open up total recorder for any reason, I find that it will not disappear when I close it out. I have to go to the task manager in order to totally disable it. If I don't, if I make a transfer or copy to another drive, where a file might have been in the process of being edited, I cannot remove the thumb drive without going to the task manager and ending a task which should have already have been ended.

I am using the Kernel-mode filter driver as recommended by TR in the installation. Could this be the cause of my situation? And, would it be OK to run another driver instead, and would I get a different result from the change.

I mean, it is so easy to forget that it is still stuck open in the task manager, although it seems to have no other function at that stage than to be stuck there <smile.

I think I had another question, but at present, I can't remember what it was. I'm sure I'll be getting back to all of you with that one.

Any help would be greatly appreciated,


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