Indeed, people can dispute what they like and if they want to act as clowns then that's their problem.

On 21/04/2015 2:38 AM, André van Deventer wrote:
Dane thanx

You may find some people who may dispute your claim that the audio quality
of digital equipment is necessarily better than analog.

Be that as it may though.  Thanx for this information.  I'll look into all
of these things.

Will also depend on what is available over here.


-----Original Message-----
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Dane
Sent: 20 April 2015 05:59 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: SV: lossless music streaming by wifi


I just bought one of these, hard to knock it at $59 which is what I paid but
there are some issues to consider and many of these are mentioned in the
review I link to below.

Firstly, this device doesn't have a digital audio output, just analogue so
if you're looking for top notch audio quality out of the cube then just
forget it because you're totally reliant on what the device gives you
through its DAC'S which is probably okay for most people who will be
streaming some sort of compressed data to the device anywah.

Second, the device only supports 1 Wi-Fi band, 2.4GHZ and that's really not
good enough these days when just about everything else supports both
2.4 and5.0
GHZ bands, the Airport Express supports both similtaniously meaning that if
there's interference on one then the Airport Express and your streaming
device will negotiate a channel on another band.

The D-Link device has a Auto Setup button - WPS - on it which is fine for
those who have WPS compatible rooter hardware - most do - so read up on this
before you buy so you know how the procedure works, setup should then be a
breeze and take around 2 minutes.

If your rooter doesn't have WPS then you're going to have to go through the
manual setup, this involves joining the Wi-Fi network of the D-Link as I
understand it and having the D-Link recognise your rooters Wi-Fi details.

Its a shame the D-Link doesn't have a LAN port so other devices can connect
to it thus utilise the full benefit of the Wi-Fi extension, the Airport
Express has a LAN port so you can connect another computer for example to it
via a LAN cable but then again the D-Link is cheap.

Apart from all that, the device looks a good bargain to be had at $59, audio
quality wasn't particularly what I was after so this doesn't bother me, I'm
going to be using the device to stream from my cable box in the lounge to an
older music system by my bedside, will be absolutely perfect for that.

Anyway to the review.

On 21/04/2015 12:37 AM, brianolesen wrote:
Actually there are other great solutions as well.
DLink has a very cool one.

It supports a wider span of protocols.


-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Pc-audio [] På vegne af Dane
Sendt: 19. april 2015 20:07
Til: PC Audio Discussion List
Emne: Re: lossless music streaming by wifi

the output jack of the Airport Express is a line-out jack, the jack is
a 3.5MM jack which can either be used for analogue or digital line-out.

On 20/04/2015 4:01 AM, André van Deventer wrote:

Can you please explain.  If I want to invest in this I would like to
much as possible.

Also, do you know whether the  3.5 mm jack is a high impedence output
connection to stereo systems or a low  impedence output as for use
with headphones?  My system does not have digital inputs and I do not
have the funds to invest in this at this stage.

-----Original Message-----
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of
Dane Trethowan
Sent: 19 April 2015 07:45 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: lossless music streaming by wifi

Come again? Who said anything about using iTunesw, there are other
options that can be used.

On 20/04/2015 3:22 AM, Fanus wrote:
I think Andre's problem is that he does not want to use iTunes to
stream. I too have the Express and unlike many folks I like iTunes.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Dane Trethowan"
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <>
Sent: Sunday, April 19, 2015 7:08 PM
Subject: Re: lossless music streaming by wifi

This can be made so very simple, buy an Apple Airport Express plug
it into the Line-in of your Hi-Fi in the other room and stream to
your hearts content.

If your Hi-Fi has a digital input then you can make full use of
this by using the digital output of the Airport Express.

You can also put the Airport Express to good use as an extra
Wireless Access Point, Wireless Extender etc.

I think the Airport Express is only $50 now, about the same cost as
a good RCA lead and yep, I wouldn't like to risk running a long RCA
lead, the possability of more interference and loss of quality is
certainly there.

I don't want to brag but streaming around my house is my passion so
yeah, I like to think I know one or two things about streaming or
getting audio/video from one location to another <smile>.

On 20/04/2015 2:46 AM, André van Deventer wrote:
Hi all

Am moving to a new flat and have to sort out my sound stuff now.

I play all my music through the computer now.  My hifi system will
be standing in one room and my computer in another one.

So I need to get the sound from one to the other.

I have the following options:

1.        Using the output of a digital to audio converter and lay
down an
RCA to RCA cable of quite a few meters from one room to the other.
might be the cheapest way.  But with such a long cable you will
start to find interference  as these cables are not supposed to be
so long.
And you
do also get some sound reduction.

2.        Using some kind of LAN device.  I do not know if such a
exist at all – a device with which you can stream  music ythrough
LAN that
has an analog output.   It would also necessitate the laying of long
which could also be a problem.

3.        Then there is the option I may want to examine.  My
question is
whether with the technology available today it is possible to
stream music in lossless format through a WIFI connection.  I
would like to do this using my media player of choice which is
Foobar 2000 at present.  I don’t want to use Itunes as I find it
cumbersome and limited.

Any suggestions about which way to go?


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