Sure does.

-----Original Message-----
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Dane
Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2015 6:16 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: SV: lossless music streaming by wifi

Now that's nice! a cheap DAC for an iPhone and its about time there was one.

So I take it this device supports AirPlay and does it support DLNA as well?

On 22/04/2015 8:01 AM, Tim Grady wrote:
> I have something called a veetop sold by amazon that will do what you want
> for $36 American and even sports an optical output.  The manual isn't
> and therefor it only got a 3.7 ranking on Amazon.  Asside from the audio,
> you can transmit to your wi-fi or if you are traveling in a car directly
> it from a smart phone or Idevice.  It originally sold for something like
> but is now $36.  Because of the louxy manual, Amazon does have an
> instruction page you can get to by clicking on the veetop link in the
> description.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Dane
> Trethowan
> Sent: Monday, April 20, 2015 10:51 AM
> To: PC Audio Discussion List
> Subject: Re: SV: lossless music streaming by wifi
> Thanks for that, I'll follow this one up as I'm looking for something
> that supports DLNA, my Denon AVR2113 and other devices support DLNA but
> I'm looking for a "Stand-Alone" device similar to the Airport Express so
> I can hook that up to other devices with a line-in.
> I did know of other solutions but wanted to keep the thing simple and
> cost affective as the person who started the discussion was on a budget.
> Arcam for example have a complete AirPlay DAC solution which replaces
> the Airport Express, its $800 though - I'm sure its worth every penny
> knowing the quality of Arcam gear -.  Only my musings of course but -
> when it comes to audio quality - I think I'd rather put my faith in
> company's with a reputation for audio quality such as Arcam rather than
> those that don't have a reputation for audio quality such as Dlink but -
> having said all that - I appreciate that we're all on a limited budget
> and have to do the best we can do with what we can afford.
> On 21/04/2015 12:37 AM, brianolesen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Actually there are other great solutions as well.
>> DLink has a very cool one.
>> DCH-M225
>> It supports a wider span of protocols.
>> Brian
>> -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
>> Fra: Pc-audio [] På vegne af Dane
>> Trethowan
>> Sendt: 19. april 2015 20:07
>> Til: PC Audio Discussion List
>> Emne: Re: lossless music streaming by wifi
>> the output jack of the Airport Express is a line-out jack, the jack is a
>> 3.5MM jack which can either be used for analogue or digital line-out.
>> On 20/04/2015 4:01 AM, André van Deventer wrote:
>>> Dane
>>> Can you please explain.  If I want to invest in this I would like to
>> as
>>> much as possible.
>>> Also, do you know whether the  3.5 mm jack is a high impedence output as
>> for
>>> connection to stereo systems or a low  impedence output as for use with
>>> headphones?  My system does not have digital inputs and I do not have
>>> funds to invest in this at this stage.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Dane
>>> Trethowan
>>> Sent: 19 April 2015 07:45 PM
>>> To: PC Audio Discussion List
>>> Subject: Re: lossless music streaming by wifi
>>> Come again? Who said anything about using iTunesw, there are other
> options
>>> that can be used.
>>> On 20/04/2015 3:22 AM, Fanus wrote:
>>>> Hello
>>>> I think Andre's problem is that he does not want to use iTunes to
>>>> stream. I too have the Express and unlike many folks I like iTunes.
>>>> Regards
>>>> Fanus
>>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Dane Trethowan"
>>>> <>
>>>> To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <>
>>>> Sent: Sunday, April 19, 2015 7:08 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: lossless music streaming by wifi
>>>>> This can be made so very simple, buy an Apple Airport Express plug it
>>>>> into the Line-in of your Hi-Fi in the other room and stream to your
>>>>> hearts content.
>>>>> If your Hi-Fi has a digital input then you can make full use of this
>>>>> by using the digital output of the Airport Express.
>>>>> You can also put the Airport Express to good use as an extra Wireless
>>>>> Access Point, Wireless Extender etc.
>>>>> I think the Airport Express is only $50 now, about the same cost as a
>>>>> good RCA lead and yep, I wouldn't like to risk running a long RCA
>>>>> lead, the possability of more interference and loss of quality is
>>>>> certainly there.
>>>>> I don't want to brag but streaming around my house is my passion so
>>>>> yeah, I like to think I know one or two things about streaming or
>>>>> getting audio/video from one location to another <smile>.
>>>>> On 20/04/2015 2:46 AM, André van Deventer wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all
>>>>>> Am moving to a new flat and have to sort out my sound stuff now.
>>>>>> I play all my music through the computer now.  My hifi system will be
>>>>>> standing in one room and my computer in another one.
>>>>>> So I need to get the sound from one to the other.
>>>>>> I have the following options:
>>>>>> 1.        Using the output of a digital to audio converter and lay
>>>>>> down an
>>>>>> RCA to RCA cable of quite a few meters from one room to the other.
>>>>>> This
>>>>>> might be the cheapest way.  But with such a long cable you will
>>>>>> start to
>>>>>> find interference  as these cables are not supposed to be so long.
>>>>>> And you
>>>>>> do also get some sound reduction.
>>>>>> 2.        Using some kind of LAN device.  I do not know if such a
> thing
>>>>>> exist at all – a device with which you can stream  music ythrough
>>>>>> LAN that
>>>>>> has an analog output.   It would also necessitate the laying of long
>>>>>> cables
>>>>>> which could also be a problem.
>>>>>> 3.        Then there is the option I may want to examine.  My
>>>>>> question is
>>>>>> whether with the technology available today it is possible to stream
>>>>>> music
>>>>>> in lossless format through a WIFI connection.  I would like to do
>>>>>> this using
>>>>>> my media player of choice which is Foobar 2000 at present.  I don’t
>>>>>> want to
>>>>>> use Itunes as I find it cumbersome and limited.
>>>>>> Any suggestions about which way to go?
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> **********
>>>>> Those who need help are those who are prepared to help themselves


Those who need help are those who are prepared to help themselves

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