
Currently I am not able to download 14 out of 22 required patches although I have a support contract for all patches which is still in place.

The verbose output of pca looks like this (one out of those 14 as an example):
Looking for 142539-01 (22/22)
Trying https://sunsolve.sun.com/ (1/1)
/usr/sfw/bin/wget "https://sunsolve.sun.com/pdownload.do?target=142539-01&method=h"; --ca-certificate=pca --header="Authorization: Basic ZnJhbmtfbGFuZ2VsYWdlOmYxMjUxN2w=" -O /home/lafr/Patches/./142539-01.tmp --22:42:57-- https://sunsolve.sun.com/pdownload.do?target=142539-01&method=h
          => `/home/lafr/Patches/./142539-01.tmp'
Resolving sunsolve.sun.com...
Connecting to sunsolve.sun.com||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Moved Temporarily
Location: https://getupdates2.sun.com/all_unsigned/142539-01.zip [following]
--22:42:59--  https://getupdates2.sun.com/all_unsigned/142539-01.zip
          => `/home/lafr/Patches/./142539-01.tmp'
Resolving getupdates2.sun.com...
Connecting to getupdates2.sun.com||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 403 You are not entitled to retrieve this content.
22:43:01 ERROR 403: You are not entitled to retrieve this content..

Wget version used is 1.10.2.

What's the problem?
Using Sun's updatemanager I can download and install the Patch above all others, but I'd like to continue using pca to download and install patches.


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