
The issues with the patch download service on SunSolve have been fixed.

The problem was found to be in a middle tier application between SunSolve and the recently deployed Patch Entitlement & Download Service.
The issue has now been fixed and patch downloads are working again.

Can you please let me know if you are continuing to have issues?


Don O'Malley wrote:

Just a quick update.

Work is still ongoing to try and root cause the problems.

There have been people looking at this all day (and are continuing to look at it), but as yet I don't know what exactly the problem is, or more importantly when it will be fixed.

I'll keep you updated as I find out more myself.


Don O'Malley wrote:
Hi All,

It's a problem with the SunSolve download servers again :)

I'm working with the Engineers to try and get it resolved asap...
I'm not 100% sure of the reason, but I know there is a new SunSolve release planned for today.

I'll keep you posted.


Martin Paul wrote:
Thanks Frank and Thomas for checking the download. So it seems as if it's now my SOA which is a victim of the mysterious "suddenly doesn't work anymore" symptom.

I tried to download the patches via the browser from SunSolve, but it also told me that I'm not entitled to do so. Looking at the "Change Contract" page on SunSolve, I see that the support contract is listed, but the checkbox in front of the contract number is unchecked. No idea whether this is required, but I know for sure that I didn't change anything there.

Looking for 141532-01 (1/1)
Trying http://ftp.gfz-potsdam.de/cgi-bin/pca-proxy.cgi?
Failed (no Sun Online Account data)
Failed (patch not found)

But this patch is also not shown on sunsolve,

If you wonder about "no Sun Online Account data" - pca asks your local caching proxy, which fails to deliver the patch (because it doesn't exist). The next step for pca would be to try to get the patch from SunSolve directly, but it doesn't have SOA data for that - therefore the message. So the final error is "patch not found", which is correct.


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