Hi Wei,

This looks like a problem with the Sun Online Account information that you are providing to pca.

Are you using a pca configuration file (/etc/pca.conf or similar)?
If so, can you double check the SOA username/passwd that you have provided in it is correct.

Have you recently associated a contract to your SOA account?
If so, there may be a delay of up to 48 hours before automated patch downloads will work for you (though the error you are seeing does not indicate that this is the case).

I would suggest that you try a wget download of a patch directly initially to confirm that this is working and then see if you can download the same patch via pca. Details of how to download a patch via wget are available at http://sunsolve.sun.com/search/document.do?assetkey=1-9-240066-1. (I suggest you try download 120068-02 (a public patch) and 140778-01 (a patch requiring a contract).)

Please include output of any failed wget download attempts with your reply.


wei....@dot.gov wrote:
I am able to download both of the following two patches manually from sunsolve, 
but both failed when download them via pca.  Why does it say patch not found?  
I mean I can find them on sunsolve and am able to download them manually.  
Thanks for your help.
Looking for 119247-36 (8/82)
/usr/sfw/bin/wget ""; 
--timeout 3600 -O /var/tmp/pca_client_patch_dir/119247-36.tmp
           => `/var/tmp/pca_client_patch_dir/119247-36.tmp'
Connecting to connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 500 119247-36 not found
23:31:44 ERROR 500: 119247-36 not found.
Failed (no Sun Online Account data)
Failed (patch not found)

119281 17 < 21 -S-  34 CDE 1.6_x86: Runtime library patch for Solaris 10
Looking for 119281-21 (9/82)
/usr/sfw/bin/wget ""; 
--timeout 3600 -O /var/tmp/pca_client_patch_dir/119281-21.tmp
           => `/var/tmp/pca_client_patch_dir/119281-21.tmp'
Connecting to connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 500 119281-21 not found
23:32:32 ERROR 500: 119281-21 not found.
Failed (no Sun Online Account data)
Failed (patch not found)


From: pca-boun...@lists.univie.ac.at on behalf of Asif Iqbal
Sent: Mon 11/9/2009 11:13 PM
To: PCA (Patch Check Advanced) Discussion
Subject: Re: [pca] Failed (no Sun Online Account data)

On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 10:57 PM, <wei....@dot.gov> wrote:

        Yes.  I was able to download those failed patches manually from 

could be something wrong with your proxy. it should not say no sun online 

you may want to post a verbose output for more help

        From: pca-boun...@lists.univie.ac.at on behalf of Asif Iqbal
        Sent: Mon 11/9/2009 10:42 PM
        To: PCA (Patch Check Advanced) Discussion
        Subject: Re: [pca] Failed (no Sun Online Account data)
        On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 5:39 PM, <wei....@dot.gov> wrote:
               Thanks Derek for your response.  My Sun account has a valid 
               contract and I should be entitled to all the patches.  I tried 
pca -a
               and got the same error message.  I just don't understand why 10 
               were downloaded successfully but 72 failed.  Does anybody else 
have the
               same problem?  How do find out what's wrong here?
        can you download any of those failed patch manually from sunsolve?
               -----Original Message-----
               From: pca-boun...@lists.univie.ac.at
               [mailto:pca-boun...@lists.univie.ac.at] On Behalf Of Derek 
               Sent: Friday, November 06, 2009 4:57 PM
               To: PCA (Patch Check Advanced) Discussion
               Subject: Re: [pca] Failed (no Sun Online Account data)
               Probably 10 were public patches and 72 required the account.  Try
               running pca with -a to prompt you for your account 
               On Fri, Nov 06, 2009 at 04:55:28PM -0500, wei....@dot.gov wrote:
               > I haven't used pca for 4-5 months.  Today I updated pca and ran 
               > missingrs" to download the patches for my Solaris 10 x86 
system.  72
               > of 82 patches failed to download (Failed (no Sun Online 
Account data).
               > Please see below.  My Sun Solve account has valid contracts 
               > me to all Solaris patches.  I am not sure why 10 of these 
patches were
               > successfully downloaded but 72 failed.  Does anyone else have 
the same
               > issue?  Please advise.  Thank you.
               > Wei
               > ------
               > 139100 01 < 02 RS- 199 SunOS 5.10_x86: gtar patch
               > Looking for 139100-02 (48/82)
               > Trying
               > Done
               > ------
               > 140797 -- < 01 R-- 184 SunOS 5.10_x86: umountall patch
               > Looking for 140797-01 (49/82)
               > Trying
               > Failed
               > Failed (no Sun Online Account data)
               > Failed (patch not found)
               > ------
               > 142530 -- < 01 RS-  14 SunOS 5.10_x86: uptime w utmp_update 
               > Looking for 142530-01 (82/82)
               > Trying
               > Failed
               > Failed (no Sun Online Account data)
               > Failed (patch not found)
               > ..................
               > ..................
               > ..................
               > ------
               > Download Summary: 82 total, 10 successful, 0 skipped, 72 failed
               Een goed begin is het halve werk!
               Derek Terveer
               Sun Microsystems (JAVA), Unix Administrator
               <derek.terv...@sun.com>  651-554-1504  x54404
        Asif Iqbal
        PGP Key: 0xE62693C5 KeyServer: pgp.mit.edu <http://pgp.mit.edu/>  
        A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
        Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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