Jeff Wieland wrote:
> There was a time, maybe circa 2003-4, when one could download any patch
> without a contract.  Of course back then you had to pay real money for
> Solaris -- you could not download it for free.

Hm. Solaris 8 was free for machines with up to 8 processors. It was
released at the beginning of year 2000, IIRC. I think the policy changed
with Solaris 9, after the crash, and it was free for machines with
smaller number of CPUs. One or two, probably, but my memory is hazy.

I don't recall all patches being free at any point in time, but I stopped
working with Solaris in 2003 and came back very recently.

 .-.   .-.    Yes, I am an agent of Satan, but my duties are largely
(_  \ /  _)   ceremonial.

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