I've been tidying up the stateful PCE draft to prepare it for publication and I 
have discovered an inconsistency in how the stateful PCE is supposed to handle 
an overflow of its per-PCC resource limit.  In section 5.6 it says:

   A PCE implementing a limit on the resources a single PCC can occupy,
   MUST send a PCNtf message with Notification Type to be allocated by
   IANA (Stateful PCE resource limit exceeded) and Notification Value to
   be allocated by IANA (Entering resource limit exceeded state) in
   response to the PCRpt message triggering this condition in the
   synchronization phase and MUST terminate the session.

Whereas in section 6.1 it says:

   A PCE may choose to implement a limit on the resources a single PCC

   can occupy.  If a PCRpt is received that causes the PCE to exceed

   this limit, the PCE MUST notify the PCC using a PCNtf message with

   Notification Type to be allocated by IANA (Stateful PCE resource

   limit exceeded) and Notification Value to be allocated by IANA

   (Entering resource limit exceeded state) and MAY terminate the


These sections are inconsistent because the first says the PCE MUST terminate 
the session whereas the second says the PCE MAY terminate the session.

Furthermore, in section 8.6, the following notification is defined for "exiting 
resource limit exceeded state", but this notification is not referenced 
anywhere in the text.

    Notification-Type  Meaning

       4        Stateful PCE resource limit exceeded

                 Notification-value=2:   Exiting resource limit exceeded


Please could I ask all implementers:

-        MUST the PCE terminate the session if its state limit is exceeded, or 
MAY it leave it open?

-        Has anybody implemented the "exiting resource limit exceeded state" 
notification?  If so, how are you using it?

Your swiftest answers would be very much appreciated!

If I don't get any contradictory replies, my default action will be to say that 
the session MUST be terminated and to remove the unreferenced 

Many thanks

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