
Having arrived to the PCEverse later than most of you, I must say my impression 
is exactly the same. I remember asking my colleagues who were already involved 
why we were not using the term SDN when it became common and, in fact, 
referencing our PCE implementation in the list of our SDN projects.

As Adrian says, the question is what do we want to be able to do with this 
"recently discovered” SDN protocol...

Be goode,

On 20 Jul 2017, at 21:58 , Adrian Farrel 
<adr...@olddog.co.uk<mailto:adr...@olddog.co.uk>> wrote:


Ramon's last line for me is the core of the argument.

> IMHO, with the stateful PCE work we already went beyond the basic
> path computation service.

You might recall (if you are old and carry a grudge) that I was not an 
enthusiast for stateful active PCE (i.e., PCInitiate), but like the good 
soldier I am, I bowed to IETF consensus and PCE is what it is. More 
importantly, PCEP is what it is.

IM(not-very)HO we have already crossed the line and PCEP *is* an SDN controller 
(southbound) protocol.

Now the question is: what do we want to be able to do with it?

Obviously, as editor of draft-ietf-teas-pce-central-control, I support PCE-CC. 
As discussed in the meeting, I'm not so happy with the mechanisms in the 
current solutions drafts. This is because I believe we can actually do (or 
almost do) most of the function with existing messages and objects. But that is 
a question of detail, not principle.

I would argue that this PCE-CC function doesn't "replace" RSVP-TE, but rather 
it replaces other configuration or SDN southbound protocols.


From: Pce [mailto:pce-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of Ramon Casellas
Sent: 20 July 2017 17:47
To: pce@ietf.org<mailto:pce@ietf.org>
Subject: Re: [Pce] PCEP as an SDN controller protocol?

On 7/20/2017 5:22 PM, Jonathan Hardwick wrote:
1.      We have not had an explicit discussion in the PCE WG about whether we 
want to take PCEP in this direction.  We have had a few lively debates on 
specific cases, like PCEP-LS, but those cases represent the “thin end of the 
wedge”.  If we start down this path then we are accepting that PCEP will 
replace the functions available in the traditional control plane.  We need to 
test whether there is a consensus in the working group to move in that 

This email is to initiate the discussion (1).  So, please reply to the mailing 
list and share your thoughts on whether PCEP should be extended in this 
direction, and how far we should go.

Hi all,

Just my two cents, trying not to elaborate too much. In short, my answer is yes.

The main disclaimer is that it is a view from a research/experimental 
perspective. I am aware of the functional implications, separation of concerns, 
functions, etc. and in previous meetings we have had several (heated  :) 
discussions on this.

We have a (proprietary) implementation which, in the last years, has 
morphed/grown into the likes of an SDN controller e.g., an optical SDN 
controller for fixed and flexi-grid networks.  It can be deployed directly over 
a GMPLS control plane or in PCECC mode. We have running implementations of 
PCEP-LS, PCE-CC and an ACTN proof-of-concept for multi-domain flexi-grid 
networks (base on active, stateful, hierarchical PCE).

The main driver/motivation has been convenience, in a clearly evolutionary 
approach (adding two wheels and an engine to the bicycle to make it a car). We 
have been influenced by SDN/Centralized control concepts. In most cases we 
needed to implement a message exchange and PCEP (beyond its original intent) 
provided such length-delimited reliable message exchange between entities. We 
have implemented BGP-LS but I see no reason why PCEP cannot be extended for the 
same (PCEP-LS) being almost functionally equivalent. We also had a modified 
OpenFlow for optical networks as SBI, (pre-ONF work adapting CFLOW_MOD) but 
PCE-CC also allows us to program roughly the same equivalent cross-connects. 
Having a single unified framework (PCEP) is very useful for robustness, avoid 
code duplication, etc., along with unified session management, parsers, tests, 

IMHO, with the stateful PCE work we already went beyond the basic path 
computation service.

Best regards


Ramon Casellas, Ph.D. -- Senior Researcher -- Networks Division

Optical Networks and Systems Department -- http://www.cttc.es/people/rcasellas/

CTTC - Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya

Parc Mediterrani de la Tecnologia (PMT) - Edifici B4

Av. Carl Friedrich Gauss, 7 - 08860 Castelldefels (Barcelona) - Spain

Tel.: +34 93 645 29 00 ext 2168 -- Fax. +34 93 645 29 01

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Telefonica I+D

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