Sighing slightly:-)
If, as may be the case, there is a demand to make this work either as currently
specified or to be seamlessly interoperable with what is already specified then
so be it. Let's make that as a conscious decision.
However, I think that using 7120 as an "excuse" is a bad idea. What 7120 is
saying is that the allocated code point must show some stability in meaning from
the point of early allocation on to RFC (just as it would need to if the RFC was
revised). But that is not saying that, upon noticing that we are a herd of
lemmings rushing towards the cliff we must say "We have always rushed towards
the cliff. Our parents rushed towards the cliff. We must continue even if it
means we plunge to our deaths."
Of course, nothing so dramatic, but...
If the current specification works well - stay with it.
If the current specification works but is clumsy - tweak it in a backward
compatible way
If the current specification is broken in a minor way - fix it in a backward
compatible way
If the current specification is more seriously broken - burn a new code point to
fix it
In my earlier emails I was only speculating on "how I would have done this if
starting from scratch." Obviously (?) I should have participated in WG
discussions much earlier in the cycle, and as a result my opinion really only
counts if either:
- the current specification is more seriously broken
- there is no WG desire to stick close to the current specification.
Clearly, although people who implement against I-Ds are doing so at their own
risk, we should not unnecessarily burden early implementations with changes just
for the sake of change. There is a sliding scale of "better ways to do things"
that incorporates "it's a bit messy," "it will be easier to maintain and
extend," all the way up to "it's broken." The WG will want to work out where we
are on that scale and weigh it against the cost and inconvenience of change.
Shipping in software may be one measure. Deployed and in use is another measure.
From: Julien Meuric [] 
Sent: 25 July 2017 09:31
To: Jonathan Hardwick;;
Subject: Re: [Pce] Can we make a non-backwards compatible change to

I agree that capability bitmap with optional capability-specific sub-TLVs would
be the way to go from scratch. However the SR-PCE-CAPABILITY already has an
early allocated codepoint, and RFC 7120 says that "if there is a change,
implementations based on the earlier and later specifications must be seamlessly
As a result, it seems to me that adding this new format may require that the I-D
keeps documenting an optional SR-PCE-CAPABILITY TLV for legacy reasons.



Jul. 25, 2017 -
I agree that allowing optional sub-TLVs is a good thing.  However, this strongly
suggests that SR-PCE-CAPABILITY should become a sub-TLV, which is a
non-backwards compatible change.  So, we are back to my original question.
Implementers - any views?
From: Adrian Farrel [] 
Sent: 24 July 2017 19:51

Yes to that, Jon. But what happens when the next thing comes along?
Since sub-TLVs can be present, I would suggest to use a Setup-Type TLV with a
bit map as I previously described in my email, and add optional sub-TLVs
dependent on the bits that are set.
Isn't that the best of both worlds?
From: Jonathan Hardwick [ <>] 
Sent: 24 July 2017 09:15

The SR-PCE-CAPABILITY TLV is more than just a Boolean value - it also contains
information about the maximum SID depth.  However, I like your idea and I think
that it gives us a better way to do this without breaking backwards
compatibility with existing SR implementations.
Suppose we introduce a setup-type TLV into the OPEN object as you propose, and
assign a bit to each setup type.
If the TLV is absent, then RSVP-TE is supported.
If the TLV is absent and the SR-PCE-CAPABILITY TLV is present, then RSVP-TE and
SR are supported.  This retains backwards compatibility with existing SR
If the TLV is present, then the bits indicate which setup types are supported.
We would modify the LSP setup type draft to say that implementations supporting
path setup types other than RSVP-TE SHOULD include the setup-type TLV.
It's not exactly beautiful, but it's not as ugly as RSVP-TE-NON-SUPPORT.
From: Adrian Farrel [ <>] 
Sent: 21 July 2017 19:55

Well, personally, if I was designing this, I would not a whole TLV for each bit
I would have a Setup-Type TLV.
If that TLV is absent, RSVP-TE is supported.
If the TLV is present, each bit means that a different setup type is supported.
That means...
Legacy nodes don't include the TLV and are assumed to support RSVP-TE
Legacy nodes that receive the TLV don't know what it means and so object to the
Open (leaving a new node to re-Open for RSVP-TE only).
New nodes include the TLV and so indicate explicitly what they support.
I know it is late for that type of change, so how we proceed might depend on
what implementations have done already.
From: Pce [ <>] On Behalf
Of Jonathan Hardwick
Sent: 21 July 2017 16:07

Dear PCE-ers
I don't want to distract from the SDN topic too much, but we have an important
decision to make about draft-ietf-pce-lsp-setup-type.
The shepherd review raised an issue that there is no way for a PCEP speaker to
indicate that it can't (or won't) support RSVP-TE as a path setup type.  It is
entirely plausible that a node might not support RSVP-TE, or else have it
disabled, for example in an SR-only network.
We think that draft-ietf-pce-lsp-setup-type should be changed to allow a speaker
to declare that they do or don't have support for RSVP-TE paths.  There are two
1.      Change draft-ietf-pce-lsp-setup-type so that speakers MUST include a
(new) RSVP-TE-CAPABILITY TLV in their OPEN object.  If this TLV if missing, but
some other CAPABILITY TLV is present (such as SR-CAPABILITY) then it means that
the speaker does not support RSVP-TE as a path setup type.
2.      Change draft-ietf-pce-lsp-setup-type so that speakers MUST include a
(new) RSVP-TE-NON-SUPPORT TLV in their OPEN object if they DON'T support
RSVP-TE.  If this TLV is omitted, it will be assumed that they do support
The problem with (1) is that it is not backwards compatible.  Any existing SR
implementation which also supports RSVP will not currently send this new
capability.  So, if we make change (1) then forwards-level implementations will
incorrectly conclude that such backwards-level implementations do not support
The problem with (2) is that it is ugly, and in my opinion we should only do
something ugly with a new protocol extension if we simply can't avoid doing it.
And so the question: are there any *deployments* of PCEP in a mixed SR/RSVP-TE
environment that would be broken if we made change (1)?
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