LS distribution has a completely different set of characteristics, compared to 
TED distribution, calling all of that PCEP-LS is incorrect.

Back to my mike comments – while TED distribution could be done with PCEP, LS 
would be rather problematic.


Those of us who built first BGP-LS implementations would remember all the 
issues and instability.

Care should be taken, when instability in one domain would affect another (PCE) 
domain, especially inter-protocol interactions (think IGP->PCEP)





From: Pce <> on behalf of "Scharf, Michael (Nokia - 
DE/Stuttgart)" <>
Date: Tuesday, July 25, 2017 at 10:37
To: Jonathan Hardwick <>, "" 
Cc: "" <>
Subject: Re: [Pce] PCEP as an SDN controller protocol?


PCEP-LS looks to me like an experiment.


For IP, the value proposition of PCEP-LS compared to e.g. BGP-LS is unclear to 


For optical nodes, I think an NMS or controller can deal with this without 
requiring PCEP-LS, e.g., using NETCONF.


For communication between controllers, typical use cases I am aware of require 
functions beyond the PCEP extensions listed below, so it is not obvious whether 
PCEP extensions would be sufficient. 


Do we really want to throw spaghettis to the wall? 





From: Pce [] On Behalf Of Jonathan Hardwick
Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2017 5:22 PM
Subject: [Pce] PCEP as an SDN controller protocol?




The purpose of this email is to initiate a discussion about whether we want to 
extend PCEP to allow it to replace the functions that are traditionally 
provided by the routing and signalling protocols.


Originally, PCEP was designed with the goal of providing a distributed path 
computation service.  In recent years we have extended that mission, and added 
path modification and path instantiation capabilities to PCEP.  This has added 
capabilities to PCEP that would traditionally have been performed by the 
network management plane.


We are now starting to discuss proposals to add more capabilities to PCEP – 
capabilities that are traditionally part of routing and signalling.  There were 
three examples of this in the PCE working group meeting this week.

·         The PCECC proposal, which extends PCEP’s path instantiation 
capability so that the PCE can provision a path end-to-end by touching each hop 
along the path.  This replaces the function already provided by RSVP-TE.

·         The PCEP-LS proposal, which extends PCEP to allow link state and TE 
information to be communicated from the network to the PCE.  This replaces the 
link state flooding function provided by the IGPs, or BGP-LS.

·         The PCECC-SR proposal extends PCEP to allow device-level 
configuration to be communicated between the network and the PCE, such as 
SRGBs, prefix SIDs etc.  Again, this replaces functions that are already 
designed into the IGPs.


These proposals are taking PCEP in the direction of being a fully-fledged SDN 
protocol.  With these proposals, one can envision a network in which there is 
no traditional control plane.  PCEP is used to communicate the current network 
state and to program flows.  These proposals have their roots in the ACTN and 
PCECC architectures that are adopted within the TEAS working group.  TEAS is 
very much assuming that this is the direction that we want to take PCEP in.  
However, there are two procedural issues, as I see it.

1.       We have not had an explicit discussion in the PCE WG about whether we 
want to take PCEP in this direction.  We have had a few lively debates on 
specific cases, like PCEP-LS, but those cases represent the “thin end of the 
wedge”.  If we start down this path then we are accepting that PCEP will 
replace the functions available in the traditional control plane.  We need to 
test whether there is a consensus in the working group to move in that 

2.       We do not currently have a charter that allows us to add this type of 
capability to PCEP.  Depending on the outcome of discussion (1), we can of 
course extend the charter.


This email is to initiate the discussion (1).  So, please reply to the mailing 
list and share your thoughts on whether PCEP should be extended in this 
direction, and how far we should go.


I am hoping to get more than just “yes” or “no” answers to this question 
(although that would be better than no answer).  I would like to hear 
justifications for or against.  Such as, which production networks would run 
PCEP in place of a traditional control plane?  Why is it not desirable to solve 
the problems in those networks with the traditional control plane?  What harm 
could this do?  What would be the operational problems associated with adding 
these functions to PCEP?


Many thanks



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