Benjamin Kaduk has entered the following ballot position for
draft-ietf-pce-pcep-flowspec-10: Discuss

When responding, please keep the subject line intact and reply to all
email addresses included in the To and CC lines. (Feel free to cut this
introductory paragraph, however.)

Please refer to
for more information about IESG DISCUSS and COMMENT positions.

The document, along with other ballot positions, can be found here:


As with the others, I also found this document to be quite easy to read
and well-structured; thank you!  I just have a couple points I'd like to
discuss, but I am not pressing for a specific resolution and expect to change
to No Objection once the discussion has occurred (whatever the conclusion is).

This is a Discuss because I want to have a discussion, not because I'm
confident in the correctness of my position.  But it seems like the
ambiguity about when multiple flow specifications in single FLOWSPEC
object are treated as logical AND to narrow a single flow specification
versus treated as separate flow specifications per Section 8.4 could
lead to confusion, and it would be simpler and have less risk to stick
to the "one flow specification per FLOWSPEC object" model as discussed
in the rest of the document.  If the ability to define multiple flows
within a single FLOWSPEC object is retained, I think we need more
specific procedures for identifying when that is the case, quite
possibly with a specific enumeration of cases.

I also mention in the per-section comments several places where (IIUC)
there seems to be a need to match the Speaker Entity Identifier TLV as
well as the FS-ID value.  It might even be an exhaustive list, but
please do a pass to check.


5575bis's validation procedures (§6) include things like "originator of
the flow spec matches originator of best-match unicast route for the
destination prefix in the flowspec".  This doesn't seem to apply to
PCEP, so presumably we are supposed to ignore such requirements.  Is
there a concrete list of which parts of the procedures are affected in
this way?

I agree with the TSV-ART reviewer that the Abstract and Introduction
could likely be improved by a restructuring.

In some places we call out that our usage of "Flow Specification"
diverges from that of 5575bis, since we do not have an "action", whereas
in other places we say that there is an implicit action of "forward all
matching traffic onto the associated path".  It might be better to try
to stick to just one of these two worldviews.


I did a little bit of a double-take at "may be unsolicited
instructions", given my understanding that PCE-initiated LSPs are at a
protocol level just requests to the PCC to initiate the path.

Section 3.1

   2.  Decide what properties to assign to an LSP.  This can include
       bandwidth reservations, priorities, and DSCP (i.e., MPLS Traffic
       Class field).  This function is also determined by user
       configuration or response to predicted or observed traffic

nit: I think there's a missing word/words before "response", perhaps "as
a response to" or "in response to".

side note(?): I see that (4) refers to the "PCC" as signalling the LSP
across the network, but (5) refers to the "head end" being told what
traffic to put on the LSP.  I can see how the respective functionalities
are important for those functions, but I am not sure if the roles will
ever be played by different entities (if they are always the same entity
there may be some rhetorical value in using a consistent term for that
single entity).

Section 3.2

   o  Flow Specification information/state must be synchronized between
      PCEP peers so that, on recovery, the peers have the same
      understanding of which Flow Specifications apply.

I don't remember seeing much specifically about recovery and state
synchronization in this document; should we have a little more
exposition (somewhere later on, perhaps §3.2.3) about how normal
recovery mechanisms suffice to synchronize the flowspec state along with
other LSP state?


   The presence of the PCE FlowSpec Capability TLV in the OPEN Object in
   a PCE's OPEN message indicates that the PCE can distribute FlowSpecs
   to PCCs and can receive FlowSpecs in messages from PCCs.

   The presence of the PCE FlowSpec Capability TLV in the OPEN Object in
   a PCC's OPEN message indicates that the PCC supports the FlowSpec
   functionality described in this document.

(nitty nit): is there a reason to not use the "supports the FlowSpec
functionality described in this document" for both cases?

   If either one of a pair of PCEP peers does not indicate support of
   the functionality described in this document by not including the PCE
   FlowSpec Capability TLV in the OPEN Object in its OPEN message, then

(I expect the RFC Editor to ask about the apparent double negative here
if the text doesn't change before it gets to them.)

Section 3.2.2

   o  PCRpt messages so that a PCC can report the traffic that the PCC
      plans to place on the path.

(nit) I just want to confirm that "plans to place" is still correct,
given that RFC 8231 defines PCRpt as "a PCEP message sent by a PCC to a
PCE to report the current state of an LSP".

   The PCEP FLOWSPEC object carries zero or one Flow Filter TLV or one
   L2 Flow Filter TLV or both Flow Filter TLV as well as L2 Flow Filter
   TLV, which describes a traffic flow.

(nit): this sentence was hard for me to parse ("zero or one <X> or one
<Y> or ..." leaves the grouping of conditionals unclear).  From
subsequent text, I believe that the allowed possibilities are (one Flow
Filter TLV and no L2 Flow Filter TLV), (no Flow Filter TLV and one L2
Flow Filter TLV), and (one Flow Filter TLV and one L2 Flow Filter TLV).
If that's correct, I'd suggest rephrasing this more like "carries either
or both of the Flow Filter TLV and the L2 Flow Filter TLV".

Section 4

I'm a bit confused as to the usage of the two-octet "value" field that
is apparently always set to 0, the same as the padding.  I would perhaps
have expected some kind of flags word if there was to be any non-trivial
content in this capability TLV.

Section 5

   the PCEP object format defined in [RFC5440].  It is OPTIONAL in the
   PCReq, PCRep, PCErr, PCInitiate, PCRpt, and PCUpd messages and MAY be
   present zero, one, or more times.  Each instance of the object
   specifies a traffic flow.

(I know we've covered this before, and apologize for the noise, but I
feel obligated to note that "zero, one, or more times" is equiavlent to
"zero or more times" anyway.)

   The PCEP FLOWSPEC object carries a FlowSpec filter rule encoded in a
   TLV (as defined in Section 6).

nit: not just a single TLV, per se, right?

   FS-ID (32-bits): A PCEP-specific identifier for the FlowSpec
   information.  A PCE or PCC creates an FS-ID for each FlowSpec that it
   originates, and the value is unique within the scope of that PCE or
   PCC and is constant for the lifetime of a PCEP session.  All
   subsequent PCEP messages can identify the FlowSpec using the FS-ID.
   The values 0 and 0xFFFFFFFF are reserved and MUST NOT be used.

It might be worth a reference to
draft-gont-numeric-ids-sec-considerations (I'm AD sponsoring it) as
guidance for how the FS-ID is generated.  There does not seem to be a
need even for monotonicity of assignment, so some of the random
assignment schemes might be best.

Section 6

   Section 7.  Only one Flow Filter TLV or L2 Flow Filter TLV can be
   present and represents the complete definition of a Flow
   Specification for traffic to be placed on the tunnel.  This tunnel is

nit: I suggest rewording, as the current wording might be taken as
implying that having both Flow Filter and L2 Flow Filter at the same
time is forbidden; perhaps, "at most one Flow Filter TLV and one L2 Flow
Filter TLV can be present".  (I do see that the explicit list of options
is given again a few sentences later.)

Section 7

Though value 0 is currently reserved by the BGP specs, we are perhaps
setting ourselves up for a conflict if it ever becomes "un-reserved" for
BGP.  Lumping it into the 1..255 range doesn't seem like it would
introduce any problems, and would ameliorate this risk.  (Doing this
would have knock-on effects on text throughout the rest of the

   Type values are chosen so that there can be commonality with Flow
   Specifications defined for use with BGP [I-D.ietf-idr-rfc5575bis].

We probably should reference draft-ietf-idr-flow-spec-v6 here as well,
since our TLV can work with either IPv4 or IPv6, but the corresponding
BGP registry is different.

   The content of the Value field in each TLV is specific to the type/
   AFI and describes the parameters of the Flow Specification.  The

This suggests that any new allocations from the PCEP-only range should
say what AFI(s) they are defined for, but no such guidance is provided
in Section 10.3.

Section 7.1

(Same comment about the value 0 as above.)

   All L2 Flow Specification TLVs with Types in the range 1 to 255 have
   Values defined for use in BGP (for example, in
   [I-D.ietf-idr-rfc5575bis] and [I-D.ietf-idr-flow-spec-v6]) and are
   set using the BGP encoding, but without the type octet (the relevant
   information is in the Type field of the TLV).  The Value field is

nit: this "all [...] in the range 1 to 255 have Values defined for use
in BGP" makes it sound like they are all currently defined, which does
not seem to be the case.  Rewording to something like "L2 Flow
Specification TLVs with Types in the range 1 to 255 have their Value
interpreted as defined for use in BGP ([...]) and are set using the BGP
encoding, but without the type octet" might help.

Section 8.3

   not the addition of a new flow as described in Section 8.4.  The FS-
   ID field of the PCEP FLOWSPEC object is used to identify a specific
   Flow Specification.

I'd suggest mentioning again that this is in conjunction with the
Speaker Entity Identity TLV.

   When modifying a Flow Specification, all Flow Specification TLVs for
   the intended specification of the flow MUST be included in the PCEP
   FLOWSPEC object and the FS-ID MUST be retained from the previous
   description of the flow.

(and likewise, if there is a requirement to preserve the Speaker Entity
Identity TLV, though perhaps that's already required by RFC 8232.)

Section 8.5

   To remove a Flow Specification, a PCEP FLOWSPEC object is included
   with the FS-ID matching the one being removed, and the R bit set to

(Presumably the Speaker Entity Identity TLV also has to match?)

   If the R bit is set and Flow Specification TLVs are present, an
   implementation MAY ignore them.  If the implementation checks the
   Flow Specification TLVs against those recorded for the FS-ID of the
   Flow Specification being removed and finds a mismatch, the Flow
   Specification MUST still be removed and the implementation SHOULD
   record a local exception or log.

Thank you for specifying the behavior in the event of a mismatch!

Section 8.7

   PCCs MUST apply the same ordering rules as defined in

(side note) I noted in my ballot comments on 5575bis that the ordering
rules allow for situations where the priority of a rule with given
semantic content can be different depending on how it is encoded, which
seems risky to me.  It would in principle be possible for this document
to impose additional restrictions on how things are encoded to remove
this potential disparity, though I do not actually expect us to want to
do so (hence, this is just a side note).

   Furthermore, it is possible that Flow Specifications will be
   distributed by BGP as well as by PCEP as described in this document.
   In such cases implementations supporting both approaches MUST apply
   the prioritization and ordering rules as set out in
   [I-D.ietf-idr-rfc5575bis] regardless of which protocol distributed

This MUST seems to just be saying the same thing as the previous

   the Flow Specifications, however implementations MAY provide a
   configuration control to allow one protocol to take precedence over
   the other as this may be particularly useful if the Flow
   Specification make identical matches on traffic but have different
   actions.  [...]

And this MAY seems to be contradicting the MUST, making it "no longer a

   An implementation that receives a PCEP message carrying a Flow
   Specification that it cannot resolve against other Flow
   Specifications already installed MUST respond with a PCErr message

I'm not entirely sure I understand what "resolve against" means in this
context -- if I had to guess, it would be something about having a
unique interpretation that is not in conflict with existing rules, but
I'm pretty hazy on what the details of that would entail.

Section 9

We should probably say that <Common Header> is specified in RFC 5440.

I also couldn't tell if there was a clear rule we are using for when to
expand out sub-structures that we are not modifying vs. leaving them to
the referenced document.  Many are left out, but we do expand, e.g.,
<path> in PCUpd/PCRpt.

(I also note that we cover PCUpd and PCRpt in the reverse order to RFC
8231, not that it really matters for much of anything.)

Section 12

   modified or torn down.  Such systems, therefore, apply security
   considerations as described in [RFC5440], [RFC6952], and [RFC8253].

In my reading, the security considerations of RFC 6952 are directed more
at protocol designers than at operators; could you say a little more
about what you expect the reader to take away from that reference?

Also, I think that at least some of the security considerations from
5575bis are also relevant to our usage of the data structures.

   The description of Flow Specifications associated with paths set up
   or controlled by a PCE add a further detail that could be attacked
   without tearing down LSPs or SR paths, but causing traffic to be
   misrouted within the network.  Therefore, the use of the security
   mechanisms for PCEP referenced above is important.

I might consider mentioning that the BGP flowspec work can use the "same
originator" check for flowspec destination address and longest-prefix
match for routes to that address, which is unavailable in the PCEP
scenario.  On the other hand, the PCE is fairly trusted already, so
maybe there is less need for such a check in the PCEP case.

   usually considered private customer information.  Therefore,
   implementations or deployments concerned with protecting privacy MUST
   apply the mechanisms described in the documents referenced above.

(A construction of the form "if you care about <X>, you MUST <Y>"
doesn't actually impose much of a normative requirement...)

   Although this is not directly a security issue per se, the confusion
   and unexpected forwarding behavior may be engineered or exploited by
   an attacker.  Therefore, implementers and operators SHOULD pay
   careful attention to the Manageability Considerations described in
   Section 13.

I appreciate that you mention this risk in this way; thanks!

Section 13.1

   which path.  Unlike the behavior in a distributed routing system, it
   is not important that each head-end implementation applies the same
   rules to disambiguate overlapping Flow Specifications, but it is
   important that:

Just to check my understanding: this is "important" in the sense of
"important to the stability of the network"?

Section 13.3

This section seems like it could be roughly summarized as "someone
should please write some YANG".  My personal preference would be to say
this more along the lines of "YANG models describing the functionality
in this document have not yet been written, but are desirable.  Some
relevant preexisting work is: [...]", but I can understand if your
preferences are different (or there is precedent for this kind of

Section 15.2

Since we depend on RFC 4364 for the format of the RD, that seems to make
it a normative reference.

(We also use RFC 7399 as the source for a couple of defined terms, but
that doesn't seem like a big deal to me, personally.)

I think technically you need RFC 8231 to implement the updated PCUpd
message we define, which arguably makes it normative as well.  (Likewise
8281 for PCInitiate.)

We do, however, require RFC 8232 for the Speaker Entity Identifier TLV,
which is required in the FLOWSPEC object, so it's clearly a normative

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