Hi all,

Let's use "Sasha", that's how you're known within the Routing area. ;-)



On 28/02/2023 13:41, Alexander Vainshtein wrote:

Hi all,

My name in the list of onsite attendees of the IETF-116 meeting is Alexander Vainshtein (and not as in Marina’s email).



*From:* Marina Fizgeer <marina.fizg...@rbbn.com>
*Sent:* Tuesday, February 28, 2023 1:12 PM
*To:* Dhruv Dhody <dhruv.i...@gmail.com>; Dhruv Dhody <d...@dhruvdhody.com>; pce@ietf.org; julien.meu...@orange.com; h...@netflix.com *Cc:* Alexander Vainshtein <alexander.vainsht...@rbbn.com>; Rotem Cohen <rotem.co...@rbbn.com>; Nitsan Dolev <nitsan.do...@rbbn.com>
*Subject:* Call for slot in the PCE WG at IETF 116


I am asking to add https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-fizgeer-pcep-bfd-parameters/ draft presentation to PCE WG meeting in IETF116

I want to draw attention to this new DRAFT and get feedbacks.

Draft: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-fizgeer-pcep-bfd-parameters/

Expected presenter name: Alexander Wainstein (in-person) and Marina Fizgeer (remote)

Duration: 10 minutes

Reason: to draw attention to this new DRAFT and get feedbacks

Thank you in advance.

Best regards,


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