
dear colleagues!

This is my very first E-mail ever to IETF.
So please forgive me, if I dont follow all rules.

I have a question about the RFC5440
Section 6-2

The RFC says:

6.2.  Open Message

   The format of an Open message is as follows:

   <Open Message>::= <Common Header>
 The Open message MUST contain exactly one OPEN object (see
   Section 7.3).

Unfortunately, Im not very firm in BNF syntax
My question here is to  understand the last sentence.

Is it allowed, just from a pure protocol standpoint,
to send in the open message
1 (one) open object
AND also
1(one)  VENDOR-INFORMATION object with the P-flag not set?

We are an operator and using PCE from one vendor and router from different 
other vendors and have currently some interesting discussing about that topic

Thanks a lot


Marcel Reuter

Marcel Reuter
Im Auftrag der Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG
Überseering 33a
22297 Hamburg


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