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On Wed, Aug 2, 2023 at 8:11 AM Marcel Reuter (External) <
marcel.reuter.exter...@telefonica.com> wrote:

> Aloha,
> dear colleagues!
> This is my very first E-mail ever to IETF.
> So please forgive me, if I dont follow all rules.
> I have a question about the RFC5440
> Section 6-2
> https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5440.html#section-6.2
> The RFC says:
> 6.2.  Open Message
> ...
>    The format of an Open message is as follows:
>    <Open Message>::= <Common Header>
>                      <OPEN>
>  The Open message MUST contain exactly one OPEN object (see
>    Section 7.3).
> Unfortunately, Im not very firm in BNF syntax
> My question here is to  understand the last sentence.
> Is it allowed, just from a pure protocol standpoint,
> to send in the open message
> 1 (one) open object
> AND also
> 1(one)  VENDOR-INFORMATION object with the P-flag not set?
> We are an operator and using PCE from one vendor and router from different
> other vendors and have currently some interesting discussing about that
> topic
RFC 7470 (https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/rfc7470/) added a
VENDOR-INFORMATION Object for PCReq and PCRep messages!
https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-pce-stateful-pce-vendor/ addes
the same for PCRpt and PCUpd messages!

We have not specified the use of the Object within the Open message!
If there is a need to carry vendor specific information, then using the
VENDOR-INFORMATION-TLV within the Open object is allowed.

In case they have a need for the object within the Open message, please
provide a usecase and perhaps it can be added in the draft!

Hope this helps!


> Thanks a lot
> Marcel
> :-)
> VG
> Marcel Reuter
> --
> Marcel Reuter
> Im Auftrag der Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG
> Überseering 33a
> 22297 Hamburg
> marcel.reuter.exter...@telefonica.com
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