Clint, this is the link for the final release

If you want the latest nightly build then see here down near the bottom as the folders are chronological. The last build was on the 6th.

Peter Kaulback wrote:
Yeah they have some awesome extensions for it. Here's some other extension places: , . I was able to get older extensions to work on new releases by unpacking the .xpi file, going into install.rdf, and changing the "max version" area to "1.0+", then repacking it. Typing "about:config" in the address bar, then searching for I think it's "app.extension.version", then changing it to ".10" also sometimes works.

I've been checking for new versions of FF here: RC2 still appears to be the latest. Hmm, looks like they changed that around. I no longer see "PR" versions, and the "1.0" version now shows Dec. 2, which is newer than RC1 and RC2. Do you know if that is the final release now? I guess not, opening the "1.0" folder to win32 and en-us shows the files there from Nov. 8th. Although that's still 4 days after the date of the RC2 folder contents. The download now available here is the exact same size (4.68mb) as RC1 and RC2.

I won't make the switch to it until you can have the Windows Taskbar show in the full screen mode like it does in IE on a hover.

Happy Holidays to all & God Bless
Clint Hamilton, Owner )

----- Original Message ----- From: "Hugh Vandervoort"

I'm using version 1.0 which was released very recently and manages to do
everything I need except Active X on a few, mostly MS sites. I just switch
for those few sites.
The extension community is very active
-13a3a9e97384}) and I've just added "Deskcut", which creates desktop
shortcuts, a feature of IE I missed badly. Lots of others are available.
Hee hee! So, I take it nothing can be done about Authenticode?

I've been using FF (FireFox) on my test PC for a while, and
while it has LOADS of features IE does NOT have, it also
unfortunately leaves out *NEEDED* features that IE has!  (You
ought to see my rants on FF ;-) .  There's also still too many
bugs in it that they refuse to fix.  I've opened several bug
reports at Bugzilla only to be met with nothing but resistance.
I've tried .9.3, 1.0PR and 1.0RC1, but not RC2 yet.  They've
all had the same annoying bugs so I think it's waste to also
try RC2 at this time.  Hopefully the final release will have
them fixed.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work.

Thomas Edison (1847-1931)
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