You have much more interesting problems than I do. I'm currently going nuts
with wireless installs that come and go on a whim.
I've never had any use for kiosk mode. My 19" monitor at 1152 x 864 and a
minimal IE toolbar gives me all the screen real estate I need. What's the
advantage of full screen for you?
I haven't paid much attention to .Net and don't really understand it, even
after reading the MS info. I understand it might be significant some day,
but for now it doesn't seem to affect me as an internet user.
I don't have .NET installed (and don't want to install it), so
I don't have that area to disable it.

Ok, FF=FireFox.  You know, the Windows Taskbar at the bottom of
your monitor screen where all the open apps reside, System
Tray, Quick Launch toolbar, the clock too.  When you go to full
screen in IE, you can mouse hover this area and the taskbar
shows.  Remove your cursor, it hides again.  It's total
disabled in FF in full screen.  The only way to switch between
apps is to minimize or restore to normal window.
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