Always disable any auto updates for any software.  For one, I 
don't like any 'ware constantly communicating "home" about 
everything you're doing with it.  Adobe, like most others, are 
notorious for screwing up their software with updates.  If it 
ain't broke, don't fix it.  (I see now Ben also said something 
to that effect).  v6+ is better than previous due to the new 
features, but takes up GOBS of memory, and what really ticks me 
off about it is every time you open a PDF file, even after you 
close it the program keeps running and sucks up 30mb+ of 

I only update mine (or any other 'ware) if I'm having some kind 
of issue with it displaying certain characters or if it says 
some update is required to "display the file correctly".

To expand on what Ben said: also try the "Advanced" button 
under Permissions and look for options there.  Sometimes you 
can only access certain keys while logged in on XP as the FULL 

Regarding your "PS", just go under "File" then you'll see the 
batch conversion.  I wouldn't mess around with that though 
because it's possible Windows will only see bitmap files for 
certain things.  There's also the possibility and probability 
that you'd have to go through the registry and the "guts" of 
software to change every path to reflect jpg extensions where 
bmp extensions were previously used.

God Bless
Clint Hamilton, Owner

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Harold B."

Hello again,

I was getting messages that I should update my Adobe Acrobat 
Reader. I was
using Adobe 6.0.2 along with all the updates that I 
periodically installed and
just now decided to install Adobe 8. During the installation I 
got the
following message:

"Error 1402. Could not open key:
35}\Programmable.  Verify that you have sufficient access to 
that key, or
contact your support personnel." ... what's that? PCWorks is my 

  1.. I clicked OK and the installation ended.
  2.. Next thing I did was open the registry, and follow the 
above path to
that Programmable key.
  3.. I right-clicked that Programmable key > Permissions > 
Advanced > and
there I am stuck, not knowing what to do.
  4.. I did manage to put something in the right pane. This 
right pane was
empty so I put a default sub-key there (if that's what it's 
called) with which
I can't do anything like modify etc, nor would I know what to 
do if I could
make changes. As you all know, the registry is a fun and a 
strange place to
hang out.
  5.. After attempting to install Adobe 8 and failing, I lost 
what came
pre-installed with Windows XP, the Adobe 6.0.2. Going to 
"Compaq Application
Recovery" and re-installing Adobe easily remedied that. Now I'm 
back with
Adobe 6.0.2.
So does anyone know what has to be done with the Registry so I 
can install
Adobe 8? I could live with Adobe 6 but when receiving some 
Acrobat Reader
files, I do get a message when opening them that I should 
upgrade to the newer
version. I click OK and the file then opens with no problem. 
But how do I
install Adobe 8 without having to re-install the entire system 
just to correct
that Registry error?

PS: Thanks, Clint. Regarding the "Wallpaper" subject, I do have 
I'll have to learn how to "batch convert" image files to change 
a folder full
of bmp's to jpg's in one fell swoop (if that is possible). ---  
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