On May 3, 2009, at 11:34 AM, IOhannes m zmölnig wrote:

Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
Through the labors of August and some contributions from Luke and me, there are now libgavl1 and gmerlin-avdecoder1 for Fink. We are working on getting readanysf~ compiling nicely. Now that leads me to wonder: how about getting Gem on Mac OS X to use gavl and gmerlin-avdecoder? I think it'll have much better codec support than Quicktime.

how not to?

I don't understand.

which complications do you expect?

Hmm, I don't really know enough to say. August and I have been working quite a bit on getting this whole thing building in Fink and now MinGW. I think then Gem, Gridflow, PDP, etc. can all use this single framework for AV IO on all platforms, or at least GNU/Linux and Mac OS X.

Check out all of the codec libs that are included.

obviously these is exactly not the point of having a plugin- architecture...

I don't understand. not?


These will all then automatically be included in Pd-extended:

thanks for your efforts.



"[T]he greatest purveyor of violence in the world today [is] my own government." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

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