On Jun 24, 2011, at 4:36 AM, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:

On 2011-06-23 01:05, Jonathan Wilkes wrote:

I think separating on by dir to get a distinction between root/user
accessible libraries won't work, like if I compile pd in ~/newest- vanilla/ and search for "included" libs. (Plus MacOS/Win/GNU-Linux distinctions...)

e.g., everything in /path/to/pd/bin/../extra would be
whereas everything in /home/${USER}/ would be

well, the trick was not to look at the permissions of the directory.
but of course you are right, that the full path should not be the only
means for discrimination.
my original example noted /path/to/pd/ which of course could resolved to

what makes things worse, is that for different instances of Pd, the term
"included" and "user-installed" might get swapped.

$ ~/pd-0.43/src/pd -path ~/pd-0.42/src/extra
would use the not-included-in-pd-0.43 [expr~] from pd-0.42,

In Tcl space, there are different variables to tell you this, and they'll work cross-platform, and should work cross-installation (i.e. in ~/newest-vanilla.) From pd-gui.tcl:

# root path to lib of Pd's files, see s_main.c for more info
set sys_libdir {}
# root path where the pd-gui.tcl GUI script is located
set sys_guidir {}
# user-specified search path for objects, help, fonts, etc.
set sys_searchpath {}
# hard-coded search patch for objects, help, plugins, etc.
set sys_staticpath {}


i would probably find it more convenient, if there was a
simple way to
see the full path of a certain object.
i can then figure out myself, whether this is
user-installed or
system-installed, and it helps me discriminate between
multiple entries
of the same name.

Could probably do a firefox style status bar to show the path when the mouse hovers over the respective link (otherwise it's pretty ugly if it's
just in the search results for each result).

yes something like this.
i originally thought of using tooltips, but tried to avoid giving any

Do you think the path is needed in the search results for any reason other than to resolve ambiguity between the same library being system- installed and user-installed at the same time? I mean, if someone just wants to know whether the object described by cyclone/foo-help.pd is system- or user-installed, they just click on the link and see the path is at the top
of the help patch window.

well, the search results could be made anonymous buttons, since the user
will see what they selected as soon as the patch opens anyhow.

it's mainly about convenience, and if i know that the system-installed
patch is sure to crash my installation, then i probably want to know


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