Hi Pd gurus,

ever found a single keystroke or a mouse click was duplicated
on a patch?  A strange bug which always turns out to be fatal
at the point of closing the patch?

Hit by several such crashes one after another I went hunting.

What I found was that there is always a t_editor created for
a GOP graph.  The constructor is invoked by the first
glist_findrtext() call aimed at anything inside of that GOP
(this occurs when the parent is being mapped).

Thus, the editor_new() for a GOP is called, but the
corresponding editor_free() seems never to be called.

The reason why this is not an innocent leak, but a crasher
is quite subtle.

For any t_editor, there is a t_guiconnect object created and
bound to a symbol made up from the address of the editor's
owner (a glist).  Since the editor is zombiefied, so is the
guiconnect, and the symbol is never unbound.

The trouble begins when another canvas is allocated at the
address freed by the late owner of the zombie.  The editor is
created, and a new t_guiconnect is bound to the old symbol.

Now, if any message is sent to the symbol, it is caught by
two t_guiconnect objects, both pointing to the same address:
their 'x_who' pointer.  Hence, all messages from pd-gui to
the new canvas are duplicated.  The agony is terminated by
the second copy of the message 'menuclose'.

I believe this bug has never been dealt with.  So, in case
you consider it worthwhile, could someone forgive me my
slothfulness and file this thing into the sf.net bug tracker
or open a github's issue, whichever is more appropriate
these days.


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