Le 2011-12-14 à 12:49:00, Ivica Ico Bukvic a écrit :

So what part of the code specifically binds keyboard and mouse actions to a canvas?

Look for the name as it appears in Tcl commands going to Pd. From what it looks like in commands to/from Tcl, you can see that it is a ".x%lx" format-string. You can find that this exact format string is used in editor_new (whereas all other cases use longer format strings intended directly for sys_vgui).

This string is used as an argument to guiconnect_new, which calls pd_bind. Also, editor_free calls guiconnect_notarget which schedules guiconnect_free which calls pd_unbind.

I thought this was never explicitly bound but is rather a result of tcl/tk simply reporting events within a specific canvas whose name was given to it by its memory allocation.

Implicit binding is a DesireData-only feature, in which binbuf_eval handles a « no such object » error by reparsing the receive-symbol as a t_pd*, after checking that it exists (object_table->exists(target)) and that it's a non-zombie (object_table->get(target)). This allows for deleting the whole guiconnect business, including deleting the bug that we're talking about.

| Mathieu BOUCHARD ----- téléphone : +1.514.383.3801 ----- Montréal, QC
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