Hi all -

block sizes in subpatches are restricted to being a power of two multiple
or submultiple of the containing patch.  So the only context in which a
non-power-of-two blocksize is allowerd is if it's specified in the top-level

Then, of course, dac~ and adc~ will no longer work as they need block size of

The intention of non-power-of-2 block sizes is to allow using the ~ objects
on non-audio objects like video rasters.  It's experimental - I don't believe
anyone has actually used this for anything, and I'm not sure it's useful at
all.  Since it's untested it might end up having to be changed
incompatibly before it's frozen as a Pd feature.


On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 06:23:17PM +0200, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 2012-10-18 10:16, Claude Heiland-Allen wrote:
> >> ..know if it is possible to use other than "2^n"-blocksizes?!
> > 
> > Not for audio connected to a dac~, but for offline stuff it works
> > (some buggy objects might not cooperate).
> > 
> >> You know, I've read about that, and now I wonder if the info or
> >> the implementation is bugged..
> > 
> > Works for me following the somewhat-cryptic guidance in
> > [switch~]'s help, see attached.
> hmm, but it seems that the actually computed blocksize is rounded to
> the next power-of-2.
> in your example, the actual blocksize is not 12345 but 16384 samples
> (simple check: make your table big enough to hold 15000 samples, and
> use [tabsend~] instead of [tabwrite~] --> triggering DSP will fill the
> entire table with noise; resizing the table to e.g. 20000 shows that
> [tabsend~] only writes the first 16384 samples)
> fgmasdr
> IOhannes
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