Max Neupert hat gesagt: // Max Neupert wrote:

> Am 04.12.2006 um 22:30 schrieb Frank Barknecht:
> >To add a political note: "... and those of us who try to run a
> >system consisting of only/mostly free software." Well, these people
> >probably know how to build Gem themselves ...
> do you want to stay elite? is it about keeping people from entering  
> the boat or do you want to invite beginners to join the club? i mean  
> we are not talking about a very specific treak of the system or a  
> custom coding project. its about installing Gem. this should not be a  
> science.
> don't get the attitude.

Oh, I guess you misunderstood me here indeed. I was trying to say,
that I think, that many people who are such extremist "free software
zealots" that they would not buy NVidia products (like me) quite often
also are people who know their way around a bit with compiling stuff

I would love if people who don't know how to compile would also not
buy hardware without capable open source drivers, but to be honest: I
don't know a many people like this. I would love to be proven wrong in
this regard soon.

About installing Gem: I think it should be a simple as "apt-get
install gem" and thankfully most of the time it just is.

 Frank Barknecht                 _ ______footils.org_ __goto10.org__

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