I didn't think you wanted cursor control.  I'm saying I don't think
what you want is possible, but it is possible to set up other keys to
control edit mode, and that the toggle that does so can be used to
directly control other things.  Maybe someone else knows a way to read
the mode from a patch; I've never found a way either.

On 1/29/07, robbert van hulzen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

thanks. i don't think i fully understand your reply, but i'm also not sure
whether this is what i need: i'm not looking for simpler and / or more
flexible ways to control mode & cursor movement.
i'm looking for a way to make a keyboard action 'conditional': hitting the
spacebar should have no effect in edit mode, and perform certain things (to
be hooked up per version of the 'motherpatch' that i base patches for
specific pieces on ... at least that's the plan ;) ) when in play mode. so
i'm looking for a way to get the information about status mode from pd,
which i'll then attempt to have control a spigot or sth similar.
i'd be happy if someone could point me to a solution--maybe simply a search
term for the list archives? searching on mode status, edit mode and similar
wasn't very satisfying.
thanks, robbert

> Sorry, I left the list out on my earlier reply...
> I have used:
> [x]
> |
> [pd-subpatch editmode $1(
> Instead of Ctl-E, and then the same toggle can be used to tell the
> patch whether editmode is on for the subpatch.  I have my sequencer
> score set up so that hitting E once lets go of the note-cursor and
> enters edit mode; hitting E again leaves edit mode but leaves the
> note-cursor unattached to the mouse; and hitting Q at any point binds
> the note-cursor to the mouse.  Of course Ctl-E still works, but in my
> patch there's no reason not to have just E enter editmode- it only
> works when that subpatch is active.
> -Chuckk

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