Chris McCormick hat gesagt: // Chris McCormick wrote:

> I knocked together an abstraction to make loops of midi note data:
> <http://mccormick.cx/viewcvs/*checkout*/s-abstractions/s-midiloop.pd?root=svn>
> <http://mccormick.cx/viewcvs/*checkout*/s-abstractions/s-midiloop-help.pd?root=svn>
> You specify a loop length in timer ticks and optionally a midi channel.
> The rest is pretty self explanatory. You will probably want to check out
> all the s-abstractions (required for the help file to function
> properly).
> <http://mccormick.cx/viewcvs/s-abstractions.tar.gz?root=svn&view=tar>

Something I always wanted to ask: Is it possible to access your
repository with anonymous svn directly? Then a simple "svn update"
would be possible instead of downloading an unpacking the tarball

 Frank Barknecht                 _ ______footils.org_ __goto10.org__

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