Kyle Klipowicz hat gesagt: // Kyle Klipowicz wrote:

> Here is a link to the pdmtl list of files. It has quite a few objects,
> and a lot of dsp ones too. I am all for adopting this framework, since
> it is already semi-established with users.
> http://wiki.dataflow.ws/PdMtlAbstractions/Contents

I think, things like pdmtl, netpd or mMm already are one level higher
than what I thought a dsp/tilde collection aims for. For example on
that wiki page you see, that a several of the patches are based on
other people's patches: For example you can find some abstractions
Andy posted here in it, and they are used in mMm as well. As another
example I also found some of my abstractions posted to the list in
mMm. (Which totally unrelated reminds me to report a bug that
[list/cog] of pdmtl does a wrong calculation of the center of gravity.
Anybody knows who wrote that? Please see list-centroid.pd for the
correct calculation.)

Anyway, the tilde/dsp-lib in my view just tries to collect these
abstractions posted to the list or hidden in some larger application
or framework in one place, so that other people can reuse them again
for their own work, either as abtractions or by copying them over

 Frank Barknecht                 _ ______footils.org_ __goto10.org__

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