BOTH screens must have the same refresh rate or you will get tearing.


On 10/12/07, Olivier Heinry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Le jeudi 11 octobre 2007 à 15:32 -0400, Thomas O Fredericks a écrit :
> > Yes there is.
> > Your monitors have to have the same refresh rate in your xorg.conf (for
> all your monitors)
> do you mean this part of xorg.conf:
> > Section "Monitor"
> >       Identifier      "builtin"
> >       Option          "DPMS"
> >       HorizSync       28-72
> >       VertRefresh     43-60
> > EndSection
> >
> > Section "Monitor"
> >       Identifier      "flatpanel"
> >       Option          "DPMS"
> >       HorizSync       28-72
> >       VertRefresh     43-60
> > EndSection
> >
> Once I have checked "Sync to VBlank" for Video Texture Adpator and Video
> Blitter Adaptor,
> the nvidia-settings suggest to reset them to this:
> > Section "Monitor"
> >     # HorizSync source: edid, VertRefresh source: edid
> >     Identifier     "Monitor1"
> >     VendorName     "Unknown"
> >     ModelName      "LPL"
> >     HorizSync       30.0 - 75.0
> >     VertRefresh     60.0
> >     Option         "DPMS"
> > EndSection
> >
> > Section "Monitor"
> >     # HorizSync source: edid, VertRefresh source: edid
> >     Identifier     "Monitor0"
> >     VendorName     "Unknown"
> >     ModelName      "LG L1720B"
> >     HorizSync       30.0 - 83.0
> >     VertRefresh     56.0 - 75.0
> >     Option         "DPMS"
> > EndSection
> >
> >
> which would mean  that according to the connected screen I display the Gem
> window on ,
> I have to set the Gemwin framerate to 60 for "Monitor1" and to 75 for
> "Monitor0",
> If I got all your explanations well?
> Or woudl it be better to lower the fastest screen's maximal VertRefresh
> rate to the slowest's?
> ++
> O.
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