On Sun, 2008-03-16 at 09:52 +0100, t'es in t'es bat wrote:
> Hello,
> i try to make a connection between 2 numeric cameras  and pd by wifi.
> My idea is to get the picture from the camera in jpeg format into pd
> "live and direct".
> After i'll want to put some effect and then screen a picture made from
> 2 different sources.
> Is there a lib that give that kind of work
> i'm on OSx 10.3 and 10.4 and ubuntu
> thanks


probably you could get a bit more specific about what exactly you're
trying to do instead of posting the same post twice (?)

there are externals to process video and images 'live and direct'. have
a look at Gem[1], Gridflow[2] and pdp/pidip[3].

[1] http://gem.puredata.info/
    Gem is included in the pd-extended releases

[2] http://www.gridflow.ca/
    is not included in pd-extended

[3] http://zwizwa.be/pd/pdp/
    is included in pd-extended, but afaik not developped anymore.

for the network part:

probably it would be better to let a little script do the job of getting
the pictures from the cams to the local file system. it could download a
picture in a certain intervall. once it the image is local you could
constantly read the image with appropriate object of the library of your


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