what kind of camera is this?... do you already have one? or are open to
 i helped do something simlar to this last month during ARCO,   we used two
alexis IP cameras.. the proper camera generates video and images accesable
through its  ip...
 you can place the two cameras on a wifi router.. (ie cam1:
and using some funcions like mencoder or wget you can tell your computer to
retrive images every Xseconds /minutes.. (unless you just want the picture
 then  the images can be sent to diferent directories.  from there PD can
load this images..
and have two seprate channels of images working at the same time!

 just a suggestion..

2008/3/16, Roman Haefeli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Sun, 2008-03-16 at 16:51 +0100, t'es in t'es bat wrote:
> > > probably you could get a bit more specific about what exactly you're
> > > trying to do instead of posting the same post twice (?)
> > Sorry for the 2 post but i don't receive my message from the list and
> > i think it was lost somewhere...
> ah ok, i see. this happens to me as well sometimes, but i wasn't sure
> whether it had anything to do with the list. now there is at least two
> of us.
> >         there are externals to process video and images 'live and
> >         direct'. have
> >         a look at Gem[1], Gridflow[2] and pdp/pidip[3].
> >
> >         [1] http://gem.puredata.info/
> >             Gem is included in the pd-extended releases
> >
> >
> > I don't really know GEM but i think i'll be forced to enter in it;
> > which object can manage jpeg picture
> [pix_image]
> > and how can i get the picture from the cam ???
> i don't know. what is a numeric cam? you mentioned, that you want to get
> pictures over the wireless network. does this cam have its own ip, when
> connected to the network? what kind of server is running on it providing
> the pictures?
> >         for the network part:
> >
> >         probably it would be better to let a little script do the job
> >         of getting
> >         the pictures from the cams to the local file system. it could
> >         download a
> >         picture in a certain intervall. once it the image is local you
> >         could
> >         constantly read the image with appropriate object of the
> >         library of your
> >         choice.
> >
> > Do you know a tuto to make that kind of stuff ????
> you mean downloading the pictures? i don't know whithout knowing what
> kind of cam you are using. i know, that there are some cams, which can
> be connected to a network (ethernet or wireless), which have webserver
> running and then you easily can grab the picture with a browser by
> entering: http://<ip_of_your_cam>/<name_of_the_file>.jpg in the adress
> field. if your cam is such a cam, then you could write little script
> using the command wget. is that the kind of cam you are using?
> roman
> >
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