Hi Raul,

I've used both sssad (in [polywavesynth], as you noted) and memento, and 
they are similar in many ways, with a few important differences. sssad, 
as Frank pointed out, works in vanilla PD.  In my opinion, it's slightly 
easier to work with than memento, but Frank has done most of the work 
for you in both cases.

I found that I really like [pool]*, and the power it gives to memento.  
At the same time, I wish the hierarchy were organized differently (do an 
archive search for a thread about this).  Also, Luke Iannini has done 
some enhancements to memento (search for "semento"), so there's life in 
this line of state-saving for Pd.

I'm actually using a hybrid of both currently -- I'm using sssad for the 
voice presets of [polywavesynth], and memento for storing the 
configuration of my entire setup.

To be even less help, :-) I currently use both libraries for OSC.  I'm 
gradually switching over to mrpeach OSC, because it seems solid and well 
designed.  I've never had trouble with oscx, though, and have used both 

You're right, it's kind of crazy, an embarrassment of riches.  But it's 
part of the charm of PD for me; it's like a big kit, where you can put 
together whatever you want out of a multitude of components.  If you add 
components carefully, you can put some reliable stuff together.

Phil Stone

* as Frank also pointed out, [pool] could also be used for the backing 
store to sssad, which is an interesting avenue for exploration, but it 
already is all wired up in memento.  I think [pool] should be in vanilla 
PD, by the way.

raul diaz wrote:
> Hi Frank, list!
> I'm getting into memento because I'm trying to implemet a state saving 
> utility for my tr-909 emulation patch.
> I've taken a look to your RRadical Pd tutorial and I have use your 
> examples from Pd extended help.
> But looking at Polywavesynth patch by Phil Stone, I've taken a look to 
> his state saving stuffs based on sssad, and that looks pretty much 
> easy and suitable for my purpose.
> So, now I'm a little bit confuse with so many libraries. I would like 
> to know what's the purpose of each of this libraries (memento, 
> rrradical, sssad), its applications, advantages, and inconvenients, 
> and which of this is better for my purpose.
> Another question is about OSC libraries. I've used oscx succesfully 
> but I've seen Polywavesynth used Mr Peach OSC objects (which seems 
> pretty usefull). What's the difference between both?
> My head is full of apparently-same-purpose libraries!!!
> Saludos!
> -- 
> Raul Diaz Poblete
> *************************
> Barcelona [Spain]
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