On Sun, 2008-05-18 at 05:40 -0400, Enrique Erne wrote:
> Roman Haefeli wrote:
> > On Sat, 2008-05-17 at 19:50 +0200, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
> >> Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
> >>>> i'm not a developer but i would vote for declare
> >>>> i.e. [declare -stdlib mrpeach] to packOSC-help.pd
> >>>> then it would work with pd vanilla too.
> >>> The declare/namespace/import stuff is still very undefined, so I  
> >>> think some experiementation would be good.  I think you should go  
> >>> ahead and try it using what you propose.  That will be a good test  
> >>> case.  Then we'll figure out what works best.
> >> putting the helppatches besides the objects should fix most of the 
> >> problems, no?
> >> no need for [declare] orgies and such
> > yo.. it would seem strange having to put [declare]s into help-patches in
> > order to load the the objects, that they are explaining, IMO.
> maybe i miss something:
> to it seems _not_ strange to have a working help patch. the declare is 
> documenting how one can use the object-class of the external (one of the 
> 4, 5... 6 ways).

there are only so many in pd-extended, there aren't that many in
pd-vanilla ( i can think of [declare] and pd-settings file only).

> or do you think a user should configure the plist/pdrc/registry first 
> and restart Pd before he can use the documentation/helpfile?

i think, as IOhannes said, that it would make sense to put classes
(libraries, abstractions, single-object files) and their help-files at
the same place. i don't see a benefit in having to tell a help-file
where to find the class. 


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