On Sat, 2008-10-18 at 20:02 +0200, cyrille henry wrote:
> ...Roman Haefeli a écrit :
> >  having saturation processed on the gpu
> > would save oli's and my project. 
> I updated the svn in order to add brightness and contrast in the 1st example.
> hope it will help

hey, thank you so much. it's not only a very illustrative example, it's
exactly what we need. the C (contrast) value behaves very similar to the
saturation of [pix_contrast]. the only difference: -1 is greyscale, 0
seems to be normal colors and anything above seems to be saturation of
the colors. 

yo... we owe you a beer, as soon as you find your way to zurich, dude.
thanks again.


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