Steffen Juul wrote:

On 20/01/2009, at 22.13, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:

could you try the binary at
(it seems to work here)

works/loads. thanks! that was fast.


Then i have another problem but it's not new. it's with pix_data. when i query it for rgb values from a red part of a png image, i get (r=0,g=1,b=1) as the output (i also boost the contrast and round off). to gem-tracker item 2484105 I posted a link to an email in the (pd-list) archive that have a demo patch. i wonder if it's a user error?

no it's definitely a bug in Gem.
i don't think i'll fix it for 0.91 thought.
it ought to be fixed in 0.92.

thanks for the links

one more thing: could someone test whether [pix_2grey] works with the new 10.4 build?

if so, i will _replace_ the OSX binary on the various sites with the new one (rather than do 0.91.3)


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