I have quite the same setup and goal for pd. I play my guitar through
a pd patch and would also like the latency to be as low as possible.
I've come as low as 11ms in the pd settings, with my Macbook (white
2007) OS X 10.5, Jackpilot and through my Digidesign Mbox 2 or MAudio
Fast Track Pro soundcards. (I must also add that I have no latency in
any other music software I use: pro tools, digital performer,
audacity, garageband etc.)
That is also the best performance with only 6-7% cpu use (measured
from within pd). Without jackpilot the cpu use is around 20% and with
the internal soundcard in the macbook more like 30%.

Still the latency is far to much for playing in time with a band.
(Adding AD/DA conversion the latency is at least 17ms). So I only use
the pd patch as an effect and mixing it with the direct signal without

Wiser people than me out there, correct me if I'm wrong, but it is my
impression that the graphical language of PD makes it process slower,
than fx supercollider or other compiled music programming languages.
So maybe the below 10ms latency is an unreachable goal?

Please let me (us) know if you find out how to decrease the latency.

regards, Bjørn

@Justin Glenn Smith: Do you have links or names of some of that
measuring software you referered to? That, I really like to try out.

On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 07:22, babsyco babsyco <babs...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi guys-I just have another fairly simple question. I'm running PD on a
> macbook pro with a 2.26 Intel Core 2 duo processor, 2 gig of memory 1067 MHz
> DDR3, and I'm using a terratec Phase 24FW external sound card. On my other
> computer (which was far inferior) using this soundcard with Cubase I had a
> latency of around 6ms (I couldn't get PD to run on it so I have no basis for
> comparison there), but running PD on this new setup I can't get the latency
> down below 20ms with it turning to mush. What do I need to change to get the
> latency down below 10ms-the soundcard, more ram, or is the processor just
> too slow?
> Thanks so much.
> Babsyco.
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