On Oct 18, 2009, at 11:19 PM, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:

On Oct 18, 2009, at 8:47 PM, Justin Glenn Smith wrote:

Bjørn Nielsen wrote:
Fast Track Pro soundcards. (I must also add that I have no latency in
any other music software I use: pro tools, digital performer,
audacity, garageband etc.)
I find this very hard to believe, is this just because you are auditioning your realtime input directly through the sound card? Because no software can process audio input and output a modified version without latency. Try playing through a plugin in realtime in protools or dp, I suspect you will notice a latency. If not, maybe you should be translating your pd patches into audio unit plugins, but I strongly suspect you will notice a latency.

There is no audio software without latency. The lowest that is feasible on Mac OS X is probably 4ms. Once you factor in distance and speed of sound, then you might see that 20ms of latency isn't really all that much.

20ms * 343m/s = 7.546m

So if you are 7.5m away from one of your band mates, there will 20ms of latency just from the sound travelling thru the air.


Also, I forgot to mention, there was a thorough discussion on latency a few years ago:




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