You need to match the versions of the Firmata on the Arduino and the Firmata on Pd. Also, you should not use Firmata from Arduino 0017, its buggy. Use Arduino 0018.

For ATMEGA8 using OldStandardFirmata, but before uploading, change the baud rate in setup() to 57600. That's the only change from Firmata V2.0 to V2.1. V2.0 is 115200 and V2.1 is 57600. Arduino now uses 57600 for everything.


On Mar 9, 2010, at 10:10 AM, Derek Holzer wrote:

Yes proper FTDI drivers installed.

The Analog Firmata works, however the Standard Firmata is totally broken.


On 3/9/10 4:27 PM, Greg Pond wrote:
do you have the proper ftdi drivers installed?

good luck.

On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 7:22 AM, Derek Holzer <
<>> wrote:

   Hi all,

   I'm in the middle of a workshop right now, and nothing I planned
works. All the users on OSX cannot use the Pduino objects. They all have latest Pd-Extended 0.41.4 and latest Pduino-0.5beta6. They have all successfully loaded the Standard-FirmataV2 (the Standard- Firmata
   is too big for the Atmega8) to an Arduino NG w/ Atmega8.

   Then they open arduino-help.pd, use "devices" to determine the
   proper port and set the port.

   Then I have them test with "pinMode 13 1" followed by "digital 13
1". I see the RX LEDS flash, but the pin 13 LED does nothing. Then I open [pd DIGITAL-OUTPUT] and use that patch to flash all the digital outputs, after setting them to output mode in the main patch. Again,
   RX lights blink but nothing else.

   After that I get long strings of the following:

   [arduino] warning currently unsupported 160
   [arduino] warning currently unsupported 176

This is consistent across every installation, whether PPC or Intel.
   We can't really go further with Arduino without fixing this, so I
   hope someone can help.

   In contrast, I am using Pduino04.beta2 with Pd-extended-0.39 on my
machine and everything works fine. I have also been unble to run any
   Pduino with Pd-extended-0.41.4. Installing Pduino04.beta2 with
Pd-extended-0.39 on a couple of machines of the students hasn't been
   an effectivbe workaroundm however ([arduino-help.pd] crashes Pd in
   this case).

Any suggestions welcome. Is there something I totally missed here????


   ::: derek holzer ::: :::
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