I'm running Windows xp 32 bit with a MOTU 828MKII.  I installed the most
recent drivers for the MOTU that I downloaded from the MOTU website.
Unfortunately I seem to have some very strange problems and I was hoping
some of you might be able to give me some advice.
When I test the MOTU sound card in an audio sequencer such as Audition,
everything works fine. In PD, however, I have the following problems:
- I constantly get the message "resyncing audio" and from time to time:
"audio I/O stuck... closing audio"
- using the standard (MMIO) audio and after selecting "use multiple devices"
and selecting the various in/outs: I do not get any sound on any channel
- using ASIO: What is supposed to be channel 1 becomes channel 3, what is
supposed to be channel 2 becomes channel 4, what is supposed to be channel 3
becomes channel 5, what is supposed to be channel 4 becomes channel 6, what
is supposed to be channel 5 becomes channel 7 and there it stops, so channel
6 does not become channel 8. I also do not get any ouput when I send an
audio signal to channel 1, 2, or 8.

I have no idea what to do anymore, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

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