
On 30.01.2012 14:52, m.e.grimm wrote:
great! Thanks!

works! ... i just get a pd crash when message
"http://search.twitter.com/search.json?q=%23puredata"; is sent to

Oops, that was a bug that I reintroduced during some code cleanup. I have fixed it in git with commit cee81ff:

Feel free to post any bugs at https://github.com/residuum/PuRestJson/issues

i will be nice when the oauth is implemented. i was just looking at
this recently to send twitter updates... any idea when this might

Right now, I am merging the helpful patches from Hans-Christoph Steiner and writing compilation docs in the Github wiki, cleaning out edges etc. When that is done, I will tag it 0.6, and make some binary packages.

After that, I will start with OAuth. The problem with OAuth is not so much a programming problem, but more of a design problem. What should be done in the Pd object, what is the responsibility of the user, how to deal with using one object to get data from different servers, how is OAuth really implemented at each provider, etc.

I will start off with some ideas and then post some stuff in the Github wiki.

great job... really cool stuff...


All the best,
"Anything can be a tool - poverty, war. War is useful because it
is effective in so many areas." (Bijaz to Hayt in: Frank Herbert -
Dune Messiah)

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