On Nov 3, 2012, at 12:32 AM, pd-list-requ...@iem.at wrote:

> From: "Scott R. Looney" <scottrloo...@gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [PD] rjdj is gone, robotcowboy is coming ...
> Date: November 2, 2012 11:44:04 PM EDT
> To: Simon Wise <simonzw...@gmail.com>
> Cc: pd-list <pd-list@iem.at>
> thanks for that excellent information Simon! very descriptive. 
> i am partially wondering about this myself because there are a few developers 
> out there using PD/libpd as a sound engine for games, and one obstacle 
> encountered is that it is not possible to use pd-extended under libpd because 
> of the issues copyleft/GPL presents when creating iOS apps. i am personally 
> in favor of open source/copyleft myself, but it is a significant issue. i for 
> one would love to see the cyclone library (both audio and data objects) 
> ported under a different license - is this just a matter of recompiling from 
> source independently, or should i get permission from the maintainer (i think 
> it's HC, right?) to do so?

I prefer the GPL myself, however it's not compatible with iOS. My opinion so 
far, is that the iPad is the best hardware for what I need, so I've chosen to 
work with that for now. Once the OpenFrameworks ARM port is working much 
better, I have the option of going Beagle/Raspberry PI.

> BTW i think Robotcowboy looks great, although i was also curious where Chris 
> M's PdParty (iOS version of DroidParty) alpha port went.

The code is still there on Github. I decided last fall, that I was spending too 
much time on that as a narrow exercise and really needed to get the app going 
on a larger scale. My plan is to reintegrate that back into the rc app, so guis 
in a scene's _main.pd will show up on the screen. This way, the app can be used 
for graphics, graphics+pd, or pd only. As I said before, I want a flexible 
workflow and using the pd guis for an audio only scene is a great option.

Development is going hand in hand with work on my artistic thesis at the same 
time: a live a/v show about going to Mars. Updates may be slow in coming for a 
little while. The intent, however, is to use the app for the live show and song 
making, so I definitely have deadlines ...


Mars One Way

NASA and commercial space companies are working towards sending humans to Mars 
by the 2030s. In fact, the Mars One project states that by utilizing existing 
technology, we could send colonists to the Earth’s red neighbor in 2023 ... 
albeit on a one way trip. Half the equipment, half the fuel, half the cost for 
a human settlement without a return option.

Would you go?

Mars One Way is a live, audio visual show which explores this question through 
a figurative journey to Mars and subsequent colonization: from training, 
liftoff, the 3 months to Mars, landing, and colonization. Based on hard science 
fiction and current/future NASA and commercial space plans, the show is meant 
to both educate and entertain, while posing large questions into the nature of 
human colonization and it’s inherent risks and rewards.

Dan Wilcox

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