What I do (in effect):

Get an existing Pd application and remove all the Pd sources
(Contents/Resources/src, bin, doc, tcl, portaudio, portmidi, extra, *.txt)

then un-tar a source tarball into Contrnts/Resources, cd to src, and
make -f makefile.mac

(Actually, of course, I do this from a script.  I have a pre-prepared
tarball of an empty Pd app, and using that and a source tarball I run
this shell file: )


#usage: ./build 0.38-0 or 0.38-0test4

if test x$1 == x
   echo usage: ./build 0.38-0 or 0.38-0test4
   exit 1

if test -d Pd-$1.app
    chmod -R 777 Pd-$1.app
    rm -rf Pd-$1.app

tar xzf attic/wish-shell.tgz
mv "Wish Shell.app" Pd-$1.app
cd Pd-$1.app/Contents
chmod 755 .
rm -f Info.plist
cp -p  ../../attic/Info.plist .
cd MacOS
chmod 755 .
mv "Wish Shell" Pd
cd ..
cd Resources
chmod 755 .
rm -f Wish.icns
cp -p ../../../attic/pd.icns ../../../attic/pd-file.icns .
mv "Wish Shell.rsrc" Pd.rsrc
tar xzf ../../../pd-$1.src.tar.gz
mv pd-$1/* .
rmdir pd-$1
cd src
make -f makefile.mac
cd ..
ln -s tcl Scripts
chmod 555 . .. 
cd ../../..
chmod 755 Pd-$1.app
touch Pd-$1.app
chmod 555 Pd-$1.app
tar czf pd-$1.mac.tar.gz Pd-$1.app



On Wed, Jul 03, 2013 at 07:00:48PM -0400, Jonathan Wilkes wrote:
> Miller et al,
>      Once I get Pd built on OSX, I can make install so that "pd"
> from the terminal will launch it.
> But how do I make it into an App?  Any hints?  INSTALL.txt doesn't
> have anything.
> I'd like to get it building so that a) I can make use of all the
> goodies someone put into
> AppMain.tcl and b) post a working copy so people can try out the new
> Preferences dialog.
> Separate question: even for running "pd" from the terminal, why
> doesn't the AppMain.tcl stuff
> get used?  For example, I still want to use the OSX "Preferences"
> panel, and set all the Apple
> specific stuff like "About Pd" in the App menu, regardless of how pd
> was started.  (Though it's
> not a huge deal, as the vast majority would just be running the app.)
> Thanks,
> Jonathan
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